What a day! Today we had a sleep in and then left to explore Turin! Turin is so beautiful and I absolutely love it!! We visited lots of gorgeous piazzas and shops (yes I went shopping yayy!) and saw little Christmas markets that had 'snow' on the roof of the stalls, also in the central piazza there was a gigantic advent calendar (but it didn't have gigantic chocolates in it, i was very disappointed). We also visited a church that holds the sheet that Jesus was wrapped in after he died on the cross, it was so surreal seeing it (not the real cloth as it is only taken out every 5 years or so) as Jesus face and body is imprinted into the sheet and you can clearly see his face and body, It was incredible!! At 3:30 we had an appointment in the Museo Egizio (Egyptian museum) the second biggest Egyptian museum in the world (after the museum in Cairo obviously), the museum was amazing! It was so interesting to see how the Egyptian burial ways changed over the years, and I don't understand how they were able to carve such amazing statues into the stones using only stone tools, as I am not even able to draw a decent looking stick figure! I have also decided that I want to learn Hieroglyphics and I took a photo of the Hieroglyphic alphabet but I will try to memorise it after I leave Italy. I was very scared that my camera was going to run flat but it didn't and I was very happy!! For dinner I had a burger (something I haven't had in a while!!) with chips, but the chips weren't very nice.
- comments
Aunty Teags Wow my beautiful girl you really are so lucky being taken to so many amazing places. I love reading all your adventures and hopefully one day you can take me to Italy with you!
Dianne East The cloth is called a shroud, shame you weren't able to see the real thing (they are not really sure weather it really is the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in as there are lots of different opinions), great adventure, you sure have a wonderful other mother, is Mossimo taking you to Sardinia? love you miss you. xxx
Dianne East Sorry, that should have been " whether".
Corinne that was really specially!! You're going to have luggage issues on the way home with all this shopping :o xx