Thank you all for your lovely comments on the message board. It's great to read them. I can't believe I have been away two weeks already. I seem to be getting into the swing of things well, .. having a shower, putting on suncream and bug spray instead of body lotion and perfume.(central american bugs seem partial to Romance by Ralph Lauren!!) going outside , damp with sweat in half and hr and the cycle starts all over again. Girls, you will be shocked to hear that the hair dryer hasn't been out at all; 'Au natural' is the new me for the short term at least! We arrived in Merida last night after a day visiting the new 6th wonder of world Chichen Itza. Our very charismatic guide Julian dutifully informed us that 7 new wonders had been elected last year via internet voting but none of us seemed to know anything about it. After our two hour explanation , you really begin to appreciate why exacty this site is so special. Build 1500BC by the Mayans as a religious worshipping site, the main temple as you see in the photo that i took is a work of genius. Each side has 91 steps, 4 sides, 364 steps! and one top platform to represent the calender year 365 days. Sunset is captured where the corners between the west and north sides meet leaving a stunning illuminated figure of what appears to be a snake. On the shortest and longest day of the year, thousands come to witness this spectacular eveny. In addition the temple has a fascinating ascustic system, Julian clapped happily for us along with the 30 other guides, it was all quite the party!! Inside this temple a smaller temple is build. Priests would speak from here to the masses outside who interpreted this as God speaking to them as obvioulsy they couldn't see anyone. In the photos as well, you can see photos of the ball court. Only the caption was allowed to try and put a ball through the hole, at 3kg and no hands allowed, it was quite the challenge. Surprisingly the winning caption was sacrificed, the highest honour that could be bestowed on him. At least they were secure in their belief that they were going to another world and somewhere better.
Today I opted for free day around Merida. The Independent spirit that i am , I was craving abit of free time to myself to crack out the guide book and do what i do best, find my own way around. It is great having everything organised for you but I am so used to being the one who organises and goes that every few days I crave an hour to myself. I joined a free walking tour of the city this morning and chatted happily to an irish girl from dublin who was on it as well. Like most cities here the catherdral and the main square are the heart and soul of the city. It has a similiar feel to Antigua, not surprising as they both bear witness to the invasion of the spanish. The main square seems to be always buzzing, this morning filled with people waiting for work. I checked out a fab italian place for lunch. i know it's cheating but it was highly recommended and you know where my loyalty lies..the fresh pasta was great. Don't worry, it's back to Burrito's tonight!
I am determined to get out the tripod tonight and take some night shots of Merida. I have been dragging it with me but it hasn't seen the light of day yet. Oh and by the way i am the big joke of the group with my 22kg wheelie case.. where is your backpack Miss McCarthy!?? However I have had the last joke yet as Mexico is surprisingly well equipped with lots of wheelchair access and up to now a nice old fashioned gentleman always seems to appear to help me!
Tomorrow a nine hour bus ride awaits.
Hope everyone is doing well - Hasta Pronto XXX
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