Hello!! I think it seems like I haven't written in a while as I am not sure the last one I did in Hoi An worked but I promise I did write an entry! Hope everyone is happy and well. I know life witoot us is probably tres tough but you'll just all have to try and find some way to
Well... since my last entry; we spent that evening having our first Vietnamese cooking lesson (watch out people; you may have to endure many a Vietnamese themed evenings). The food was excellent and I now know how to make spring rolls and wontons from scratch! I know right?!!! We went out for dinner the previous evening and I had a 'pouring the wine into a plant pot' episode. I know its very cliche but it had to be done as it was just awful. Lord only knows whose feet crushed those poor grapes!
After Hoi An, we hopped onthe bus made our way to Hue, where we decided not to lunch with nuns as we did not leave ourselves enough time to pack! Apart from buying a new pair of converse, nowt much happened thereas yet again, it poured down!
After that, we hopped on to a much nicer train to Halong Bay.
We had a nice boat trip during the day with a seafood lunch but in the evening there wasn't all that much to do. As we went on a half decent restaurant hunt; it started bucketing it down (shock horror) and we got absolutely soaked! We tried to buy an umbrella but the cheeky sales woman wanted about twenty squid for it!Nutter. Needless to say; we opted for the wet dog look instead. And then to make the evening even more perfect; we ended up in the restaurant just next door to our hotel. If only we'd decided this beforehand...... The next day; we took a four hour bus trip to where we are now; Hanoi. Good God; Mary; Joseph; Jesus and Cher it is hectic! I swear the road users (or mental; crazy nutters as I like to refer to them as) are thirsty for our blood! At least in Saigon they dodged us; these seem to go out of their way to mow us down! Also; if black bogies aren't a product of this city then I don't know what is lol!
The first day was spent walking for hours and hours on end searching for a bloody shopping centre; as was yesterday. We found it today however and apparently the last two days have been a major waste of our time lol. Again we have been going out for dinner etc etc every night and last night was the last with the group so we had some farewell bevvies. (By the way beer in some places here is 10p and in all other places; its the same price as a can of Coke. Madness!). Oh and we have just come back from the water puppet show. Its basically a puppet show in water if you haen't already worked that out! Anyways i'm sure this has totally enlightened your lives and i'm glad to be of service but we are now off to dinner with the remaining members of our group. (In other words; I know this is very very boring and lucky for you; we are now off for eats lol). Love you all and miss you like hell!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hope everything is well there and will keep in contact as much as poss. Toodles! Clo n Ant! xxxxxxxx
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