So hello there, its been about a week since ive updated my blog but there is no electricity in the middle of the jungle so sorry about that. Let me tell you my devoted followers whats been happening, but first some background. I have just undertaken a 6 day trek to ciudad perida which is a city that was built deep in the jungle in the 12th century but after the conquistadors invaded columbia in the 16th century the inhabitants of this city abandaned it in search of higher ground. The city was therefor lost to the jungle and only rediscovered in 1973 by graverobbers in search of gold and artifacts.
I set of on the first day from a small village two hours from Santa Marta by jeep and after meeting my group which contained four lads from Manchester,two americans,two aussies and a german girl we started walking mainly uphill for 4 hours untill we reached the camp for the first night. The heat was almost unbearable and i have never sweated so much in my life with all my clothes covered in sweat. On the trip we were sleeping in hamocks with mosquito nets but you still ended up covered in bites. Every day involved lots of walking but you were rewarded by unbelievable views as well as being able to stop at great waterfalls where you could dive headfirst into the lagoons to help bring your body temperature down. Also along the way every so often you would pass indiginous people going about there lives surviving out here in the jungle.
After the first couple of days we started to get to know each other as a group and started to play a game which the american lads play at the end of every day and one which I though was such a good idea that I am going to incorperate it into my blog. The name of the game is highlight-lowlight and what you do is tell a small story to the group about the best and worst part of your day so look out for mine at the end. Anyway on day four we eventualy managed to get to Ciudad perdida and accended the 1200 steps to the city which is situated on top of one of the many hills and while maybe not being as breathtaking as michu pachu in peru is still a breathtaking sight. The city itself is still being slowley uncoversd by archiologists and seems to have a aura about it. We spent the day exploring and taking photos of the site and met the friendly army guards who are stationed here because there are still freedom fighters in the mountains to the east.
The walk back to civilisation took two full days of very hard walking and at one point I couldnt feel my legs as they had turned to jelly. Last night I treated myself to a cold shower to wash away the dirt and had a great night out with the rest of the group which involved me dancing for over an hour which is not normal for me. To finish this blog I would just like to name the incredable people who formed my group, Carlos,jonny,kev,wilson,kyle aka the bear,jackson,mary,maria,paul,irish,hanas and georgia,cheers guys.Highlight-Gettin to the top of ciudad perdia after an exhausting 3 days treking and celebtating with a nice beer Lowlight-the to numorous to count amount of insect bites on the bottom of my legs.
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