Well I am writing this quick blog entry before I set off on a massive trek south. I am in Cartagena right at the north of Columbia which is a great walled city with numourus plazas and tiny streets for exploring with loads of funky little shops and cafes. It is a really intreasting place with a histort of being attacked by people like Sir Francis Drake and other famous pirates.
I have been here two days now staying in a dormitary in a really cool hostal in the centre of the city and have spent the days getting lost in the old quater of the city and just generally wandering about. The omly problem is I am finding Columbia quite expencive with a bus ticket being 55 usd for a 13 hour ride. With this in mind I have decided it is time to head south towards Ecuador which I know from experience is quite a bit cheaper. This journey is a long one however with the first part being 13 hours from Cartagena to medallin and then an onward journet of 22 hours to the border with Ecuador so wish me look.
Have started to buy odds and ends to remind me of the countrys I have travelled through and although it seems like I have got all the time in the world about another eight weeks the last three and a half have flown by so I need to be a little bit wary of where I am in the coming weeks because I need to hit Rio by at least the 20th of april. Anyway thats all for now and I will probebly speak to you next from Ecuador.
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