After a very long bus journey we finally arrived at Airlie Beach. Arrived at sunrise which was very pretty - although hard to be too impressed at 6.30am after nine hours on a bus! Slept all morning, then headed into town for a quick nosy. Is a very pretty harbour town with lots of little touristy shops. James got a new watch and replacement sunglasses. That night was job night, we have been super organised and booked up all our hostels for the rest of our time in Oz. Next morning we headed out on our Whitsundays tour. We were on a boat called "Tall Ship Defender." The boat was 112 years old which was pretty cool. Was a really nice boat with two exceptions - the sleeping space was very cramped and the toilets worked on this saltwater pump system - if you didn't pump fast enough it went everywhere!! Anywhoo, we set off on our tour, the Islands are very pretty. We spent most our morning lazing on the top deck taking in the scenery. After lunch we got our first taste on Snorkling on the Great Barrier Reef. We had to don some sexy stinger suits to get in the water - one pale german guy (wearing speedos) looked particularly fetching in his. Possibly Bean Finchs long lost father - we're not sure (don't worry if you don't get this joke - it's a cyclops one!). The coral was amazing, and plenty of fish to gander at too! Lots of photos were taken on the underwater camera but we need to get that developed - and we're not sure if they will all come out. That afternoon we got talking to the rest of the people on the boat. Had a really nice group. At sunset we stopped off on a remote beach, views were awesome. Was pretty cool to be the only 18 people on a beach too! That night we watched the crew do some fishing. One guy caught 3 sharks (only small ones of course!), we spent more time watching the guy catch Squid - as this was more frequent! Plus he cooked them for us - Clare ate one with the ink still in it - only 2 other people on the boat dared do it. The captain tunred out the lights on the boat and we got a really good view of the stars. Went to bed that night very early - it was pretty hot so not a great nights sleep! Awoke VERY early the next day - the earliest we have ever been up on a Sunday - EVER!!! 6.50am!! Got taken to Whitehaven beach - a very popular beach but we managed to beat the crowds so again got the whole beach to ourselves. James played Beach cricket while Clare topped up her tan and caught up on some sleep! Back on the boat we spent the rest of the afternoon lazily sailing round the Islands then back to the harbour. Arranged to meet some of the guys from the boat that night for some beers. So home quick shower and change and back out. Had a really fun night, lots of beer consumed by all. Next day after a long lie in we headed back into Airlie Town. Found an out door public swimming pool called the laggoon, so hung round there swimming and sunbathing for the rest of the day. Only 1 week left in Oz and the sun till we head off to rainy New Zealand - hope your ready for us Hotel Hetherton
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