Its Nottingham calling, hope you are enjoying the trip, Auntie Sylv sends her love, we will be visiting Portsmouth at the end of November, Brian and Jack will also be visiting.
Love Susan & John
Auntie Maz
Me again!
Had an email from Chris this week. He is looking forward to seeing you. Think Gareth is settling in ok (Chris's Tech guy from the office). May be you can show him the sights of Oz when you get there!Temperatures are definitely going up. Weather here today is grotty.
Glad to hear you are having a stressful time of it (NOT!) - what's the food like in Fiji? Is it all banana skins and coconuts!?
Good to talk to you last night. Take good care of each other.
Thomas And Owen
To blairf
hope you are having a nice time.
I scored 1 goal at football today by doing a back heel!
Lots of love from
Thomas and Owen xxxx
Token Boyfriend!
Hey blairf,
Good to here all is well in fiji, everything at home is normal and thanks for CD although ive already got it (yes i am obsessed). Waiting for 'random number generator from bank so i can transfer money. Speek to you soon.
Henry xxx
Auntie Maz
Hi chuck
Checking your blog daily to make sure you are behaving. Been in touch with Gaz, think he's making the most of the peace and quiet! It sure is quiet without you! Mind the nasty bugs in Figi - if you find a place for a fiver a night don't stay - pay and least £6. So wish we were coming out for Crimbo. I'm going to Spain for a weekend in November, not quite the same but at least I'll have been abroad this year!
Miss you loads
Big hugs and kisses from all of us.
Hey girl!
Can't wait for you to listen to KOL new album it's awesome! Thank you again, very thoughtful!
Just got back from gloomy Newcastle, never stopped raining up there and when I got home, guess what?! More rain! Nice to hear you didn't take the weather with you!
8 weeks today and I'll be on a plane to Oz land via Hong Kong, can smell that street food already!
Speak to you soon, missing you queit a bit! Love Gary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
duuuuuude are i can´t belive your travel blogging. im such an old fuddy duddy im sticking with good old traditional emails 21 st century peigon post evidently.
anyway all sounding wkd. good fun to see maureen i so nice staying with someone you know. where im living is pretty awesome totally middle of no where. dusty streets, half naked children, dogs and ckickens playing together in them. everyone thinks im related to the other 3 gringos in town we all look the same! at the moment spend a lçot of time sitting around smiling insanely because i cant understand what people say so i nod along anyway as though i do then realise a question is being asked panic and do the rainman face. its been workinga treat to make situations less awkward with capital o. yo to carly and look forward to next installment. :)
miss you wit...cum
Hey Claire!! Sounds like your having soooo much fun and sounds liked u loved NY as much as when I went there!!! I have started saving so can come to Australia aiming for June / July time!!
Miss u xXXx
Louise & Gareth
hey hey claire sounds like you are having a blast glad to hear from u tho always good to know ur safe and sounds etc. much be well happy to see maureen again and tell her we do both send much love to her (u know what infact give her a big hug and a sloppy kiss to maybe lol) ne way as im sure u will ave loads of messages to read daily i wont go on for much longe. much love and write again soon xxx
Jason,maz T&o
Hi chuck
Glad it's all going well. You and Carly look after each other. Not heard from Gaz yet,need to organise another leaving do! Temp in Sydney is 31 degrees and it's the middle of their winter so you may be on meltdown when you arrive! We all miss you loads. Take care xxxx p.s Big xx from Thomas and Owen
Havn't you heearrd?!!
Hey girl! How many corn dogs have you eaten so far? If it's none then, well there is nothing I can really do! Just have one, they are really you!
Make the most of your freedom because you've got me for 10 months!!