Claire O'Bs Adventure
Hello again, sorry I haven’t been able to write for a while, the internet cafe is poo and the schools computer has gone. Where it has gone, we don’t no because they don’t no how to tell us! We didn’t go to Koh Toa last weekend as I had written we would. Tong the coordinator was still here in Chumpon with us, so we went with him and his friends to a little waterfall and then to his friends (Pe Ai) house. P Ai's family live in a big house and when I say family that’s about 4 or 5 generations, cousins, aunties, uncles etc. They are farmers and coconut pickers so we saw how rice grows, how they train monkeys to pick coconuts and also they had Cockerels/Roosters so we saw a c*** fight!! Look at the pics! It was a good weekend, we drank lots of Sang Som (The Whisky/Rum) and we ate lots of food! A typical Thai family all sit around and eat from plates on the floor, millions of dishes, some nice, some not! The Father of the family we were staying with got really drunk but that was because he was so happy we were at his house and eating and enjoying ourselves. It was really nice! We had to go to an Autistic school on Friday, another volunteer didn’t turn up so the five of us have to go on Fridays. I probably should say it was rewarding and we helped a lot but the place stunk of poo and all the kids’ didn’t no what day it was and no1 spoke English, pretty awful in my opinion. It was just total confusion, we didn’t know what we where supposed to be doing. We have to go again this week!! Great!!School is still going well; we are starting to see the kids improving now! Still like celebrities there! I had to go in by myself yesterday because Anna and Dana were both ill. Vicky has been ill aswel, there’s only me and Rich who haven’t got sick yet, although I have had a really bad cough since we got here, I think it is from going from hot outside to freezing air conditioned room all the time! Its PE day at the school tomorrow, last week I nearly died during PE lessons, we have to take the lessons and it’s about 35 degrees so running round is not good! So for tomorrow I have made a twister mat. It will help the kids learn left and right and colours and shapes and I don’t have to run around! Good stuff!!Well I’m at the internet cafe, the keyboard is rubbish and its really slow, so I’ll put a few more pics on now and then hope that the schools computer turns up! We plan to go to Koh Toa this weekend so I should get some nice pics from there. It’s the king’s birthday on Tuesday so we are off on Monday and Tuesday!
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