Hiya, We have just got back from Fraser Island, WOW! It is such a beautiful place! The weather was poo again, so much for Australian summers! We still had a fab time though! We arrived at Dingo’s hostel in Rainbow beach really early on Tues 13th, after having spent 14 hours on a coach. We had to attend a meeting that afternoon where we watched a video about safety on Fraser and then got put into groups of 10. Next morning at 7 we had to meet at the back of the hostel to load up our 4x4. They gave us a map, lots of food and some tents, suggested the best route and sent us on our way. When we arrived on the Island we headed upto a place called Indian head. Your not allowed past Indian Head but from the top of the cliffs there you can see over most of the Island, we were told that we would see Sharks and Dolphins in the water below but we had no such luck! You can’t drive on the beach after 3pm so pretty soon after that we had to go and set up our camp! You just pick a sand dune and camp behind it, we stuck with a few of the other groups from our hostel and had a bit of a party, it was really good apart from the rain! Over the next 2 days we saw lots of beautiful scenery, had lots of laughs and got very wet on several occasions. We all had a turn to drive the 4x4, that was really cool. Gemma got us bogged in soft sand, and I was the 1st person to hit a washout, that was pretty hair raising! The highlight of the trip was Lake McKensie. It’s a huge fresh water lake with fine white sand, absolutely beautiful, the fact that no1 had showered for 2days made it all the more refreshing! So we are spending another night in Dingo’s hostel tonight and then early in the morning we are on a coach to Brisbane. Im gona be staying with Amanda and Wendy for a few days and Gemma is flying on to Sydney to spend time with James who is flying over here to see her! So, il update when I get to Brisbane! See ya! xx
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