Just when we thought it couldn't get any more 'deserty', the drive from Coober Pedy North was like driving over Mars (not that we've ever been to Mars, but we can imagine). Again we saw nothing for miles apart from red sand, some red sand, a little bit of red sand and somemore red sand! There's loads of kangaroo signs everywhere as well, but did we see one? Of course not. (unless you count dead ones at the side of the road being eaten by vultures, which we don't. Incidentally if we did count those, we would have counted way over a hundred by now.
We crossed through the dog fence though, the longest fence in the world that stretches pretty much the width of the country to keep the wild dingoes in the Eastern side and not eating all the sheep and things on the western side. So now we are also on the lookout for dingoes, so far though we've seen none, dead or alive.
After 6 or 7 hours of nothingness though we finally saw what we'd come to see, Uluru. Ayer's Rock as it was formerly known. It is huge!!! We knew that it was going to be big but until you see it you have no idea! We were taken away a bit driving towards it, whilst it got bigger and bigger the closer we got!
The town near Uluru is called Yulara, a purpose built town supposedly for people who want to see the rock and have some where to stay. It is actualy to benefit people who enjoy charging extortionate prices for things, simply because people can't go anywhere else to buy it, we called it 'rock tax', It was $36 for the very average camp site, the only one in the town, elsewhere we have been paying about $20 for much nicer sites!
After begrudgingly checking in and setting up it was just about time for sunset so we headed up to one of the lookouts on top of a sand dune and joined the other camera snapping tourists as we watched the sun magically change the colour of the rock from red, to brown, to black, to orange, to green with pink spots (well not quite...). It was quite amazing to see and to realize that here we were in practically the very centre of Australia.
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