So I've said goodbye to Montpellier for the final time and wound my way back home. It was fine when I was packing up my things and throwing anything useless away. It was even fine when we were loading up the car, with the help of the resident cat. But as soon as we pulled away and I realised I was actually leaving I couldn't help crying. I know that it's better to have enjoyed myself etc etc but it doesn't take away from the fact that I'm leaving (in my opinion) one of the best cities to live in.
Carnon plage, entrecote, peyrou, trams, baguettes, americains, panama and its bisou.
But I'm sure once I start back at uni in a new house with new people I'll enjoy myself again. Besides, this is my last year of education, which means this time next year I'll have to have DECIDED to do something with myself, which I'm sure will be quite strenuous. Unless a wealthy handsome man decides to take me away from the drudgery of having to make decisions about my life; which at the moment also seems pretty unrealistic.
But anyway. This is the end of my year in Montpellier and I feel like a different person coming back. I feel myself looking and everyone that hasn't had a year abroad and thinking they don't know anything. As if by doing this I've suddenly become an authority on life; which of course I'm not. But everything suddenly seems smalltime. I'm already starting to plan my next visit to other lands and right now that's all I want to do.
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