Chuckle Brother's World Tour
word brothers and sisters of the cloth.
sydney is amazing.
scary times there was a shark at bondi beach today ur neighbours just told us. we tested wot sydney had to offer at the bottom of a pint glass.
clouter payed no attention of mr kanye west's strong advise and he became a gold digga. he met some rich guy who bought him drinks all night. mental over here thebars dont close till 9am he didnt get back till 10am he said that he was like a vampire and the day light sun burned him.
he also fell out of the top bunk onto mine. also inthe laughter files 'boxman' went international. i hid in a large tv cardboard box and got delivered to our next door neighbours i sayed in the box with our neighbours and did the loudest jump out a box shouting box man i could do funny times there was a vast array of scare faces.
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