Christina´s Extraordinary Adventures Abroad!
Hey well I finally got access to the internet...Just a quick rundown...
This is the email I sent my parents...I dont have much time to really write more...ok we are staying at the Orphanage in San Lorenzo...I found out the other day that I do randomly have cell phone services in certain parts. The place is soo pretty...I love this area anyways but it was so emotional for me to finally see a house finished and kids living there calling it their home. Last year right before I left we came out there and they were just clearing the land. Juanita and Peter are the house parents...Juanita is Pearl lawyer. They have 3 kids...Daniel who is 19, Jessie 24, and Alexia 15. The other kids include Joege Luis and Anita who were at the orphanage I worked at last year they are brother and sister, Diana and Leo brother and sister and just 2 days ago they recieved 4 more kids Carlos, Eugene, Tanya and Justine. I am staying in Jessies room and have my own bed and stuff but it is definitley a completly new experience and living learn how to rough it! I also see how much I take for granted at home...and how lucky I am to have the things I do. They are working on finished 2 other is a volunteer house and the other another house for kids...each kids house can potentially house up to 15. Pearl and her family are there almost every day bringing stuff and visiting...we pretty much just play with the kids all day...which definitley makes my spanish better. I keep asking if we can help with anything but they keep telling us no...I feel kindof bad but I think they get even more annoyed when we ask a million times. Well today we went to visit another set of 5 brothers and sisters who used to be at shekinah and now live back with their father in a small shack in a nearby town. It was soo sad...but good that they are back with a family. We are going back out there tomorrow to bring them things and play with them. As far as getting things down here to looks like the best thing is going to be for me to collect everything up and then drive to FLA to meet up with the next team that is coming down here so that they can bring the stuff....becuase it is WAy cheaper that way and it is guaranteed to get here. Also Im fixing to send an email out to people at the church expressing other needs here at this time....such as more funding to finish the volunteer house and sponsers for each child. I would love to as a family us sponsor one. Its kindof pricy for just one person but if everyone pitched in its soo do-able. Well I got to use the computer today because Jessie and her dad go to the university every night for classes and invited us to come along today and there is an internet cafe right across the street in Manta. I was going to try and send some pictures but the internet is sooo slow down here that its just about impossible. Anyways well I better go...but my cell is working if you need me and I love yall so much and miss yall...and tell everyone the same!!
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