Hey Mum, I saw Dads mail and replied straight away but to his work account, Ive resent to his home account today. Can you ask him to email back his thoughts, Im hoping you can go and have a word in-branch and get it straightened out.
On a lighter note - ha ha see what you mean about the message board - stop asking nuts questions you're scaring everyone away!!
I can buy a sim card and call you today if you need to speak to me. Let me know. xxx
Christie, no woz but pick up Dad's e-mail 2day or give me quick ring on my mob. LOL Mxxx
The answer is of couse "Scout". Call yourself the internet generation? Love, Kemosally xxx (the over 50's will understand that!)
Kyla wore the birthday present dress you sent her when she went out for a meal on Friday night and looked a million dollars, I trust she has thanked you nicely or sent a jolly photo! Our new freezer is called TONTO because it is Silver which was the name of the Lone Ranger's horse. Curly-Wurly to anyone out there who can tell me what Tonto's horse was called! Hard to believe I'm old enough to remember the programme, I know . . . .
It was your father who suggested the egg & spoon race - see, he's not as green as he's cabbage-looking, as Grandpa used to say!
Wonderful stuff - let's get it published! Mxxx
Many thanks for refund, also for adorable Little Kitty bag charm (I now jingle as I walk, which disguises the creaking!) and stickers and notepad, all of wch into immediate use! Dropped Chris's present in & she was abs delited with it, sez it's hanging on her bag now. Will try & get Jess's things round to her this w/e. Very very kind of you to choose things for us all! (trusting Kyla bird to thank you herself!). Spoke to Grandma's Doc today & all tests have come bk negative so well on the way to recovery, hoorah! LOL Mxxx
let it be noted that I hate technology. who knew that uploading photos or music would be such a royal pain in the ass. at this rate Ill be home before you guys see any new pictures! tut tut :(
Hey, is there anyone else out there but me and Christie? (you Facebookers, you!).
wowee so it made it -over land - from Japan and it only took... 2 or 3 months! Thats faster than I move anyway! ;) Yeah the cat is lucky so defo a good place for beer money collections! xx
Parcel arrived safely today Christie & everything in good order, will distribute as appropriate! LOVE the little ginger cat sitting on his prayer (?) mat, we are going to use him to collect £1 coins and then go to the pub (not much chages here!). Watched the Haruki Murakami prog last night but didn't learn anythin more than I'd have learned from reading Norwegian Wood! (wch I have). Love Mx
Thanx 4 yr e-mail, Christie, & all the nice things u say! Worst thing w the Lego ws year I gave in & bought u molto xpensivo pink Paradiso Marina lego set 4 yr Christmas & SOME SWINE stole it in my shoppin besket in Crewe! I'm sorry I haven't got the energy to reply in kind, I'll talk to you soon, or once we get bk to txting. but don't woz bout Grandma. She ws actually gettin on jst fine w her cast, nice lady Doc & hospital r testing everythin tht needs tested, & I think u'll find her health'n'temper perk up enormously when she gets her "little helper" (the excellent Sandra) bk frm hol 2moro! She's not so poorly she can't njoy her usu routine & day paper shop sent The Times instead of The Scotsman, Muggins here ws sent out to walk dwn the road 2 get the right one! - so spirit undaunted! I will go up again as & when she needss me. Best thing u can do is keep in regular touch cos that cheers her! LOL Mxxx