i stay at apollo bay and torquay well travelling great ocean road.if you didnt already now great ocean road(GOR) is well known for the amazin views and wicked surf and both are so true.
i stayed at a classic hostel in apollo bay,it was like a 5 star hotel.i stayed there 4 4 nights but there wasnt much to do really but it was a nice chilling break, the waves where s*** there aswell but the day after i left a big swell was spose 2 be coming it,just my luck.i meet some funny characters there.there was this guy who stayed in my room 4 one night,he was cycling from perth 2 sydney. he was an old man an one of them guys who just makes u laaugh.the only problem was that he stunk and so did all his stuff,lol it was wet an he hung it all over the room an then put the bloody heater on an it was already baking hot in there.he then left a few days be4 me.
i then travelled on 2 torquay the surfing capital of victora,on the way we saw some koalas which was cool.the place i stayed in was ok but the people were sound,everyone of them were surfers,good times!i went shopping and when i was walking back i crossed the road and guess who rode past?!yes u guessed,the guy on the bloody bike,he shouted, "yoyo,how ya doin"then kept on goin! it made me laugh.torquay was so sweet i went surfing a few times,there was a massive dust storm wen i was there an the winds got up really high,they had 2 shut bridges an stuff which was back,at this point i was walking back from the beach!lol!i also went 2 the famous bells beach where they had just finshed an surfing comp which is really big over here.after the storm there were storys that there were big swells coming in the next day and them storys where right!the waves on bells where 15ft and a few guys were getin toed in on2 them by jetskies,the biggest waves iv EVER seen!i went surfing on the beach near where i was stayin an they were 8ft which was miles 2 big for me,i got battered quite alot of times by them but its all part of the fun!much love chrisxxx
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