Good day 2 everyone back home, how everyones fine. so i flew out last sunday from heathrow, i arrived in sydney and stayed there 2 one nite be4 flying to darwin which is where i am now.
The one night i stayed in sydney was good an i really like the place and cant wait 2 go back, i was mainly on the beach 4 the two days i was there, the waves were huge,bigger than iv every seen. But im still alive so its all good:).
My first impressions of darwin were really good with it been very green and extremly humid.iv been here 4 3 days now and im getting slightly bored. yesterday i went 2 the botanic gardens which is like a rainforest and they was very nice, i also went 2 the croc farm which was fun and i got 2 hold a baby croc!happy days!
i met two other travels yesterday that i got on with and we went out for a few beers last nite which was good. one is australian and the other dutch both sound lads but theyv left now.its really warm here and i mean warm,its so humid u put a t-shirt on and 5 minutes l8er its coverd in sweat. its nice at nite because u can sit outside with a beer in just ur shorts:D
i saw loads of abos here yesterday, they just drink,sleep and paint,oh ye and stink of s*** and BO!i was on a bus full of the little fukers,took the piss!
im off through the outback on sunday anyway so u myt not here from me 4 a bit
chris x
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