Hello, whats up and a good day to all of you reading my blog entry. I apologise for the lack of entries over the past two months. Its not that I have been lazy but I have simply been too busy working and having fun over the past number of weeks to have the chance to sit down for a few hours to write a blog entry. Right now I am in the perfect mood to write a quick summary of the past two months of travelling and self awareness. My voyage of self discovery that I will refer to in this blog may sound funny, weird and hippyish to many of you reading this but that is what this part of my voyage of discovery has simply been over the last few weeks. Its been an incredible adventure and experience that has enabled me to change my perception, outlook on life and accepting my place within it. I am presently sitting in the awesome Humpty Dumpty campervan that has been my home for the past six weeks. The reason for calling this particular blog entry The Cape of Change is because over the past two months I have gone through monumental awareness changes. Plus I have just returned from Cape Reinga, the most north northly point of New Zealand where the Tasman meets the Pacific.
At the moment I am travelling with The Roudy Rebels and our Greenpeace groupy volunteer Selva. The Roudy Rebels is made up of myself, Shai, one of the wisest guys I have ever met who is from Catalan in Spain and Harris also known as Loopy as a result of his huge loopy ear piercings who is from Van Couver. We are a collection of three weird, unique, energetic and open minded campaigners for Greenpeace who have been travelling together as part of a Greenpeace travel team in the north island. Our groupie Selva is another Catalonian who we got to know as she attended the trip to Matauri bay to dive the Rainbow Warrior five weeks ago. She has been travelling with us sporadiquelly over the past three weeks, joining us for this trip to the most northly point of NZ and for a few days last week in the Coromandel.
I will now pick up from where I abruptly ended my last blog entry. I think I finished up my last entry retelling the first few days of my ten day travel trip as part of The Waikato Warriors. This travel team was made up of myself, Sam and Kare who is also from the Rebel county in The Emerald Isle. She is from Kinsale and has been a fundraiser and volunteer for Greenpeace for around six months now.
I'm afraid im gonna have to end this blog entry all of a sudden and unfinished too as I have just been hit by a wave of fatigue after my crazy and exciting day of touring around the most northely point of NZ. I will quickly summarise and list off the places I have visted and adventures I have had over the past five weeks. Picking up from where I left off in the last blog, the weekedend of five weekends ago was spent in Matouri Bay, the resting place of the original sunken Rainbow Warrior, the flag ship of Greenpeace. The following five week days were spent with Sam and Karen travelling through the beautiful Waikato singing up many new awesome and inspired members for Greenpeace. In those five days we worked in Hamilton, Taumaranui, Tokoroa and Te Kuiti. One memorable moment of that trip through King Country was when we stayed beside this lake in an isolated and beautiful camping ground. The following weekend four weeks ago was spent in Auckland. On the saturday of that weekend myself, Ben and Jose, two other fundraisers for Greenpeace visited one of the national parks for the day and then headed to karens house for a party that night as it was fireworks night. It was a great night and Selva was there also. The week after was I spent two days working in Auckland before drving down to Palmeston North to meet up with Shai where the Roudy Rebels began their amazing voyage three and a half weeks ago. We worked in Palmy on thursday, Whanganui on friday and Hawera on saturday. That weekend we stayed in Whanganui in a weird yet lovely guy called Bens house on the friday and saturday night. That weekend three weekends ago was an incredible experience as Ben is a lonely and unique character who would never invite people to his house normally but got good vibes offf me and Shai on the street so invtied us back to his house to stay on friday evening to chill with him. His life is basically taking care of a family of six giant dogs. They are beautiful and massive dogs that are a cross between Pitbull, Bull Mastiff and a bit of Labradour. They are like a prie of lions and are a full time job to take care of. He has to keep three of the male dogs in seperate rooms as they are alpha males and would kill each other fighting to the death if they lived in the same room. It was an incredible experience meeting these giant and powerful dogss. Ben was also a very interesting character! On the saturday night Cormac joined us in Whanganui to watch a Kiwi reggae band that were performing in the town. They were amazing. The following week Shai and I travelled and worked in New Plymouth where we caught some amazing sunset and sunrise surfs, stratford where I met a beautiful lady called Jeanne who signed up as a new member for Greenpeace and in return she inuitively advised me relax and learn to balance my energy and triggered an acceptance of myself that is still taking place, Taumaranui again, Taupo and Whakatane in the Bay of Plenty. The sunday saturday morning two weeks ago I got up really early to go for a jog on the beach and do some yoga. While doing some yoga I witnessed a truely magical sight. A fisherman pulled in his long line only meters from me on the beach and had caught a baby Hammerhead Shark on one of his hooks. He let it go very easily and it swam off gracefully. I felt very luck to see this! This is taking longer to recaccount then I had planned so im gonna cut short and pick up and retell the last two weeks when I next get a chance. I just wanted to touvh base with all my family and friends back home and express that I continue to have a brilliant time travelling. I am going through an amazing change in my life now and as a result im starting to connect with my sub consciousness, stimulating my awareness though a number of means that include basic thai chi. Yoga, meditation and simple relaztion and taking better care of myself. As I have learned my me to help others as much as possible I must first remember to take care of myself and only then can I reach my full potential. That I s the level of being I am motivated towards reaching now and it is a wonderful ride of self discovery. But seriously as its been a while since my last entry I just wanted to let you all know that all is good and I continue to enjoy this adventure that ultimaltely is life, simple as! I hope all is well for all of you. Peace and love all!
- comments
ash Aw sounds so amazing!! Miss you! X
Victoria Shimmin Read this to Mum, Dad, J & Jess while sitting on Salt beach near Freo watching the sailing world champs. Sounds like your having an unbelievable time! Take care & we look forward to seeing you if/ when you make it to Perth! Lots of love x