Helllo, hello, family, friends, everyone in Ireland, activist, environmentalists and those of you still occupying around the world. For those of you interested in how I am? I am very very good thanks, almost never been better to be honest! Once again its nearly been three weeks since my last entrance, seems to be a bit of a pattern developing here. I am presently staying in the Greenpeace Warehouse in Auckland. As you can guess I'm still campaigning for Greenpeace and it could not be going better. I will have been working for Greenpeace for six weeks this coming friday. Half of the time I have worked on the streets of either Wellington or Auckland and the other half travel tripping. I'll pick up where I ended my last entrance now.
Three weeks ago I had a trial week of campaigning in Auckland and I was in a situation that I had to hit target to hold onto my job. I was under pressuse and even slightly depressed about the idea of losing my new awesome job. I knew I had to put in a massive effort and sign up as many new members for Greenpeace as possible that week to prove myself. Not only did I end up proving myself in the hardest place in New Zealand to campaign for Greenpeace but I was also the best campaigner on the Auckland team for that week. It was an amazing feeling that I managed to perform so well under pressure. As a result I held onto my awesome job and was booked onto a travel team due to leave the following monday morning for Northlands.
Hitting target that week for Greenpeace was not the only big event of that particular week though. I also visited Auckland airport to change my flights. Funnily enough according to my original flight plan I am meant to be in Perth right now. But I have decided to stay on in NZ till the end of february at least. I have a working visa till next June and I am in no hurry to leave this magnificent country especially with summer having finally arrived. Plus the new years festivals here alone are also keeping me here as it is in the middle of the summer here and and the first country to greet the new year. I have treated myself to tickets to a three day festival called Rhythm and Vines which is gonna be sick! Plus I am in no hurry anywhere as I have no time constraints thankfully. The only problem with me extending my trip here though is that it means it will be a few years before I make it back to Ireland. I miss everyone dearly especially all my family members. Back to my eventful week, I also went to the third place play off on the friday night at the end of that week. It was a good game and I was a bit dissappointed to see Wales lose but enjoyable nonetheless. I will say the atmosphere was nothing on the Ireland Ozzy game though! We all had a big night out in Auckland that night and went a bit mad. The following saturday was spent taking it easy before visiting Spookers, a horror house south of Auckland. Basically Spookers is an old mental hospital that has been converted into a horror house theme park that scares the s*** out of people. I don't even like a horrors and don't overly understand why some people enjoy getting the poo scared out of them so much. Therefore it took Peadar and the rest of my friends a bit to convince me to share this particular adventure with them. I did come round though and it ended up been a very exciting experience to say the least. As I am such a jumpy person I tuned into a target to scare for every employee of Spookers. At one stage I had a crazy man chasing me through a haunted forrest with a fake chainsaw. That certainly got the adrenaline flowing hard! But I really got my value out of my forty bucks as I got so much attention off all the staff. They all seemed very interested in playing and pulling on my dreads in attempts to freak me out. They often did, sending shivers down my spine.
The following sunday we had a big session as it was world cup final day. We went drinking all day in a Tanzanian friend of Peadars house in Auckland central. We eventually made it onto Queens St in Auckland half an hour before kick off to discover it absolutely jammed with people. There was easily over a hundred thousad people in the general Queens St area. The atmosphere was simply buzzing and we managed to park ourselves close to a big screen at the top end of Queens St. We had a good view and it was in intense game as France surprised me as much as everyone else with their performance. A weird team! That night was another mad one out in Auckland that didn't finish up till around five in the morning at which time the whole city was still alive and hopping.
The following monday was spent heading to the beach with two great new friends from Greenpeace called Shai and Sophie both of whom I'm joining up with in Lake Taupo this afternoon to go travel tripping with over the next month or so. I didn't even end up getting a hangover as I spent the day swimming and dozing on a beautiful beach just outside Auckland. After the beach we visited a tattoo studio in Auckland as Shai wants to get a maori tattoo in the next few months. I am also keen to get a maori tattoo soon once I can afford it. I was very impressed with this studio and will be booking an appointment to discuss my tattoo idea with the artist probably some time around xmas. On wednesday morning I packed up my Wicked campervan with all the gear needed for travelling. It is a van covered in Humpty Dumpty grafitti, pretty cool. Its is rigged out with a bed big enough for three and a small kitchen in the book. Its a sick van. I left the Warehouse on the Tuesday morning and collected Sam and Karren another Irish girl who was to be out team leader for the travel trip. We made our way up to the beautiful province of Northlands and between wednesday and friday worked in Warksworth, Whangerai and Dargaville. I did pretty well on these three days of work but unfortunately just missed target when both the girls had smashed target. It was not all bad though as I had received more points than any other week just not enough to hit travel target which is higher to balance the cost Greenpeace pays for us to travel from town to town.
I have to hit the road now but I will pick up from here as soon as I get the chance in the coming days. I need to pick up from the halloween weekend. Peace and love everyone!
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