Hello hello, long time no speak with a lot of people now, missing you now a bit!
I hope everyone's been keeping themselves busy doing lots of interesting things, I know I have been, since last time:
A spear form has been learnt, practiced and graded! I really enjoy the spear form, much more of a challenge than staff as there are lots and lots of little parts to it that makes it very difficult anyway the grading wasn't too great what with nearly letting go of the spear completely. But at least its out of the way and now I can concentrate of the next couple of challenges!
Visa Hassle : Is just that, complete hassle... isn't going to get any easier until the olympics has finished and things go back to normal (hopefully?!). Actually on the topic of the Olympics did anyones see that opening ceremony? (not sure what time it would have been on at home) it was quite impressive, lots of organisation gone into it which is hard to imagine from what ive seen china couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery!
ah this is all following on nicely, talking of piss ups we haven't been able to partake in ANY! we have had, due to the fantastic olympics that are happening 700 miles away, a curfew of 9.30 that we had to be back at the academy by. This has now been changed to an 8.30pm curfew during the olympics which makes going out for a meal arkward let alone having a night out and every weekened night they come round the rooms to check you are at the academy! turned a bit big brotherish for my likeing but I have a suspision that it with go a bit crazy afterwards (not that im planning anything......=D)
Two days before my spear grading my master informed me that ill be learning a Dao (sword) form next which may be difficult as I didn't take to the sword like i have other weapons, looking forward to a challenge!
One final thing to bring this back to the beginning, the spear form: There is a forms competition on in Yantai on the 25th or 27th (excellent example of chinese organisation) which my master said that I should enter just for the experience. Could be amazing, could be terrifically embarassing doing gong fu infront of people who actaully know what im doing when i don't! Also my master is entering the competition with a straight sword form so he'll be in the same catergory as me (Shaolin Weapons Forms)
Then there is another competetion in our local town put on by the 'Muping District Propaganda Office' (at least they're not hiding the fact) which is free to enter so will maybe do that as well!
Have fun lotsa love and someone please message me? hehe xxx
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