How many boxes does your life fit into?That is the question.The answer for Chris and Rae is 38.The next question is can 38 boxes, all different sizes, fit into a storage area of a only couple of square metres?The answer is only barely and after trying a large number of different packing techniques.
We arrived from Australia with 7 boxes - and ended up with 39.Granted they are all different sizes and some are smaller - but how on earth did that happen, and how did we possibly fit all that into a two room apartment?
Chris suggested that it might have been easier to pack if all the many boxes with Rae's shoes and French clothes were thrown out - but that was met with a icy glare and the good point that he too had collected his fair share of fashion.One thing we (especially Rae) will miss from France was the great variety of shoes and clothes and Rae was never one to shy away from the sales so there is no way they were all being given away.
So a small van was hired for the day (a bargain at 28 euro) and the boxes were all moved and packed.Our house is empty and we just await the inspection by the estate agent before staying with friends for a couple of nights and then jumping on a plane.
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