Have you tried the phone cards again yet, let me know if they don't work and i'll lget onto the company i bought them from.
The highlands in full flow now, i've been labelled romeos brother which i'm not happy about, got about 20 players, think you probably played with most of them (football i mean)
Season starts this saturday, i'll let you know how me get on.
Big Sis
hahahahahahaha love chris's hair!!!!!!
hi dudes. not long now till we hook up. i need a good drink. cant wait.xx
Dylan Rushe
hi brid and chris,
hope yous are having fun and buying me loads of presents!! ha ha!!!
miss ya loads,
from Dylan
been readin all yer blogs..tis like tunin into the soaps every few days!! hehe sounds like yer havin a blast!...love the sounds of the mountain biking!! well done brid keepin in with the boys!! have fun
mia xx
Patrick Gillespie - The Fahan One
Just had first visit to your travel site. Looks like you are having a great time and we are not jealous (***ches).
Enjoy and be safe.
Big Sis
yo dudes!!!!
we are loving that Baxter is gettin to see the world!!! those photos are brilliant. missing yous loads
all our love, us xxxxxxxx
iI ENVY YOU.....................................that is all..........................................for now
Rachel Bourne
Hi guys, great pictures, comical commentary! Looks like you're having a ball. Enjoy. Keep safe.
Rachel xx
Romeo - you are a homo!! FACT and a goldfish that is up the duff is called a t*** - FACT!!!!!
hey Birdie!!!!
Brid....You tramp!!! Ria gave me this address. Great pics. Hope you're well...smelly pits...oh the mental pics ain't good!!!!
Chris look after our Brid!!! :D
TAke care, Ramona xx
Weezie Kelly
Hey dudes!!!! Glad to hear yas are livin it up!!! Myself and rayme are gettin on the best too....havnt even been mugged once!!!!! Lookin forward to seein yas. ps. keep working on the tan wee bird!!!!! xx