Arrived around 8 o'clock in the evening, town was deserted. Also the hostels that were marked in the footprints are all about double the price as they are supposed to be. Found a cheap enough one across the road, not the nicest place but it will do for one night we decided. Walked around the town looking for somewhere to eat, nothing was open apart from a hotel7restuarant across from out hostel called Hotel Austria, this place was warmly recommended by footprints but I think im gonna write to them and let them not how much of crap place it is.We both ordered chicken Milanese, when the chicken arrived it looked like someone had stood on it for 2hours and then cleaned the floor with it. We ate the chips but none of us touched the chicken, when the waiter came over the conversation went something like this: in our best Spanish!!
Us - "Excuse me, this chicken is no good"
Waiter - "ok, one moment"
Other waiter boy comes over - "what's the problems"
Us again - "this chicken is no good"
About 15mins passed and we could see they were getting well confused, they didn't have clue what to do and they were getting well flustered.Out of the depths of hell appears a psycho looking chef woman from the kitchen, who looks over at us, points her chubby fingers at us and give us the "oi, you 2 over here now" international gesture.
As we walk over she starts screaming at us that she's gonna call the police, we started to get a bit annoyed at this point so we all shouted at each other for a while, before she decided to pick up the phone, calling her bluff I shouted "go for it, do you want the number, what you gonna tell them, we didn't like your chicken" at this point she bottled it, slammed down the phone called us a bunch of idiots and stormed back into her grease hole of a kitchen.We were told to pay for the drinks and leave, but not before telling them that their chef was a complete douchebag, feeling proud of winning our battle with Satan we headed back to our hostel for some victory sleep.
Next day we wandered around the so called ¨shopping centre of south america¨ which turned out to be pretty rubbish, it was all little stalls and not the big stores I thought it might be, Dundee was better to be honest. Headed to the bus station to catch the bus to Puerto Iguaza in Argentina, didn't get the exit stamps from Paraguay so maybe they're on the look out for us but to be honest i don't think I'll be rushing back in a hurry.
If anyone ever goes to cuidad Del Este, never go to the Hotel Austria and never ever insult the chicken or you'll be in serious trouble.
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