Ok ok ok…….we've finally got round to doing THE blog !!!!
Sorry it's taken so long, but at our first hostel, Mount Davis - situated half way up a mountain, had a shuttle bus to the city centre (Sheung Wan - we think!?) that only ran every couple of hours and if we miss3ed it then it'd have to be a taxi trip or a very long 'hike'! so by the time we fathomed out how to upload our first lot of piccies, instructions in Chinese, it was too late to let u know what we've been up to! Sorry!. Should have sim cards in Thailand in a week so texting will be easier.
Mummsy Trix, did you get my txt the other day?
Right … where to start, it's been a bloody busy week!! Has a bit of a nightmare start, just getting to Heathrow - the one day we picked to fly 30,000 miles was the one day the London Underground decided to go on strike, but all ended up ok with just a minor delay. Then train from skipton was stopped for what seemed like an eternity due to vandalism (scallies smashing windows) which meant we were sitting on egg shells wondering if we could get to the airport via the tubes before the strike started at 5pm. Didn't make us feel any better when a southerner (GAV) said "U better hurry up mate, they're shutting the tubes down now!". Legging it with 55kg backpacks, sweating to death, on a rush hour tube, we just made it! On the tube it stopped at a station and told us it was no longer going to Heathrow - tad worrying - but all ended up well and we checked in on time!
Flight was AMAZING - had a choice of 200 films, TV programmes, and music albums to entertain us throughout the 12 hour flight, including plenty of episodes of the simsons (dad batley u would have loved it), (Kirbs - it had a Kelly Jones album, u MUST download song 'jane' 'summer' or any other female name u can think of!)
Right DAY 1 - first proper day (Wednesday)
Got up in the hostel we found day before, really nice place (Mt. Davies). Ate some noodles for brekkie (Chinese style) and then headed into town! What a place - its freaking massive.Saw the works, chickens in cages - none as nice as Mable or Matilda Andrea - frogs in cages, bamboo poles for scaffolding - Qy it'd so collapse under u - then attempted to go for a beer!
This bits the best!!!CHRIS GOT FLEECED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll set the scene so u can give him grief! Being ever so cautious with money, we'd walk for 10 days rather than pay for a bus, or eat a microwaveable pizza at the hostel to save spending on a posh meal. Wandering along, a buddist monk came up to us, gave us a small card, bowed and offered us 'Peace'. Then pulled out a notebook which Chris signed….then asked for a donation! I lied and said we had no money, tried to give the cards back - Chris refused (cos he's too nice….and numb) and paid half of the asking price - good one Chris- which was 200 HK Dollars! The price of a room for the night for the two of us! What a muppet (Was only 12 quid 50 tho, but that's 6 beers in the Irish Bar!) good job we get on and found it funny.
Got lost that night cos forgot address so had to abandon night out
Day 2 Thursday
Woke up early to try and get into city centre early and make up for failed night out night out before but missed buss by a few minutes so had to walk down the mountain which took about an hour, which was entertaining nonetheless! Decided to head down towards the Harbor see what was going on down there. Sat chilling with some local fishermen which was enlightening (check out the video) then saw the pirate boat, which we took a video of for Craig. Not quite the Black Pearl but it was smart.
My turn again.Chris got stopped by a well old Chinese chap…..who started doi9ng Kung Foo on him and telling him he could "make him die on the floor in a second"! Was well funny.Also got stopped by an Indian who told us Chris was going to be a lucky man- 3 good th8ings, 3 bad things will happen…..but Chris saw it as another scam and said "No thank you!" Poor Chris, learnt his lesson though.
Attempt number two on a night out - got lost on the way out again (believe me its really hard to get where you want to be because the city has about eight levels to it) However when we found the drinking place (the Wan Chai District) we had a spot of food in a bar and watched some footy, and then got on the drink!!!!! What a belting night, started the night off really knackered from the trek to the pubs and ended up out till 6am! Met up with a South African couple in a bar, live band on covering Chilli's and stuff - reight good night. Then headed to a club where Deb's first broke both her flip-flops dancing that hard…. Then had a 'dance-off' with a Chinese lass and was also dancing all night with 'working-girls'- bloody hilarious!! I lost. And my legs are still really stiff!
Day 3 ( Friday)
Chris woke up outside the hostel door at 8am, came back to bed till 3pm…..was meant to check out at 1pm and be at hostel on Kowloon mainland by 3pm! Still drunk as skunks we dragged our bags to the harbor and got on the ferry!Night in a prison cell hostel (but it had a TV), and bed early
Day 4 (Saturday)
Left THAT hostel, found our way to a recommended hostel - well nice with ensuite, not much more money, had walk around kowloon. It's more like Blackpool compared to Hk island which is like London but isn't too bad at all!! About to head out for some food now and then enjoy watching England stuff Israel at the pub (????)
Amy - hows college??? And get on this blog page! God damn u
Alex….hows ur first week at school?Letter v. nice, thanku!
Will be a bit more efficient with the blogs and stuff from now on…promise!
Lots of Love
Chris & Debs xxxxxxxxxx
blog 2
Now then everyone - just an update on the last few days in HK!!
WOO HOO come on England - quality performance - sat in an Irish bar - met up with two Leeds fans who were getting constant updates on their phones for the game (but Tom T thanks for the text anyway) Another big night but was cheap!
Day 5 (Sunday)
Well hungover, had to go back to Irish bar to get our FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST!!!! Potato wedges and everything.By time got back, was time to explore the Temple Street night market! Well smart - seriously!!!!!! Tiny stalls, but hundreds of them all littering the backstreets to the main road, selling everything u could want (Emily, Chris said u wud'v loved it) Got 2 pics of it.Closed at midnight!! The Chinese are open 22/7 I swear! Everybody says that London is the city that doesn't sleep, hows about buying a snickers bar or a pair of shoes at 3 in the morning?!
Day 6 (Mon) LAST DAY IN HK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woke up early today as we wanted to go and see as much as possible before leaving for Thailand! Went to the Peak Tram, which takes you up to the highest part of HK - up a 45 degree slant!!! Got to the top and there was pretty much a full town up there with loads of things to do!!! Got some amazing photos although it was a bit smoggy up there. Debs now…..was well windy but I got a really nice ice-cream!
Anyway…… Got back down and decided to do a bit of island hopping back toward the airport (Lanteau Island - hopefully should be able to see on photo 'map of HK') so used the underground (which was well easy to use - but we didn't use it till last day!!!!) to get there. Planned on seeing the world's tallest outdoor Buddha but ended up being about half an hour late for the last admission (real shame because it would have been great to see) so we just island hopped back!!
After getting ready back at hostel we headed to see the famous light show on Victoria Harbor - it was incredible at 8pm every night every building along both HK Island and Kowloon Harbor lights up - you can see in the pics anyway! Indescribable!
My turn now,that night, against the cool sunset………….im only joking!That night Chris decided to take me out for'lovely' meal. We only spent 84HK$ - a fiver - on tea the night before at the market (well dingy diner) so he took me to a Cantonese restaurant! It looked well scary because there were business men and very affluent old Chinese couples, so we toddled in in shorts and t-shirts! Oops.Anyway, they treat us no differently, the Chinese are very humble and we're rich to them, and we got SILVER SERVICE!!! Ha! Was well funny.We had our own private waiter and waitress, and they filled our plate every time we emptied it!Felt very posh.Panicked about the bill, as there were seafood dishes that were over 100 quid…..but it only cost 18 quid!!!! Ha.
After that, we went for a stroll to find a bar - not had a drink in Kowloon yet - and we happened to stumble upon the main strip, Knutsford Steps!Really nice, like an Italian scene with lanterns and stuff. Was v. relaxing.
Day 7 (Tues)
Got up early (9 ish) and debs was completely zombiefied - I had a few bad sleeps and Chris makes me walk all day and night till my feet bleed don't u Chris - Load of rubbish.We had spent till two in the morning packing our bags and making sure there was nothing dodgy in there as we were flying into Bangkok and headed to the airport. Was a pretty uneventful afternoon - flight went really quick (just under three hours) and landed into Bangkok at 5 o clock no probs!!!
Will email when we get to Thailand
Loads of love
Chris & Debs
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