After taking one last glimpse from our exemplry times square hotel room, I had to say good bye to the view, hersehys world, caffe bene, times sqaure and the rest of what had made up my perfect week. I could only wish that i was saying hello and not good bye to this place but i was pretty keen and curious to get to Brooklyn.
1/2 hr later, we were there. Welcome to Brooklyn Chloe! Our hotel is thankfully very central, close to the brooklyn bridge and our room once again has a fabulous view. We can see a bit of the manhattan skyline and the peak of the Manhattan bridge. Like all places so far, we quickly unpacked and headed out to get our barings and see what brooklyn has to offer. To my complete satisfaction, our hotel has a gym, spa, sauna, lap pool and massage room :D Not only that, but our hotel is located on the same street as an amazing self serve froyo place, The Shake Shack and Brooklyn Industries. After quickly roming around we headed towards the brooklyn bridge. Once again what lay before me was a view i had seen in movies, books and more importantly a picture perfect view that i have hanging back in my room at home. The walkway over the bridge is extrodinary and has exeptional views of the whole of manhattan. As i walked across the bridge i remembered a tumblr photo i had seen of a girl sitting on top of the bridge. So of course i had to test the boundries and climb on the rail of the bridge. It was amazingg, just sitting there reminded me how lucky i was although the moment didnt last as i wasnt going to push my luck to much!
Later that night we headed to The Shake Shack for dinner which is basically the East Coast version of In n Out as they dont have it over here. It was ahhhmazing. Best burger and fries ive had since america and i even got there famous dessert; frozen custard with my choice of cookie dough and cheese cake bites blended in. Tbh it just tasted like icecream but it was still yummy :) When we got back, nanna and i headed to the spa for a late night dip. I started in the spa, got hot, jumped in the pool, got freezing so went to the sauna. Well by this stage my body temp. was pretty out of wack so i came back to the room for a nice shower to end the day.
Today we woke up, headed to star bucks for breakfast and then poppa went to Lincoln memorial while nanna and i went shopping. I didnt spend too much, but i did fall in love with a bag in Brooklyn Industries which is so beautiful i think i have to buy it despite the $280 price tag. My money does seem to be disappearing pretty quickly all of a sudden (gee i wonder why) but this bag is a...have-to-have.
We went to the froyo place for lunch and just like at 16 Handles, i had the most amazing yogurt with more toppings than you could ever imagine. After lunch we caught the subway into NY to ground zero- the 9/11 memorial. It was so sad and bought up a lot of emotions about what went on that day, 10 years ago. As someone who wasnt affected by the traumatic event and was only a young child when it happened, it still sent shivers down my spine. It makes you realise how much things can change in such a small amount of time. In one moment your life could be flipped upside down and theres nothing anyone can do.
We then headed back to China town to have another look before walking up to Little Italy where we had a lovely candle lit dinner on the street corner. Nanna and i shared a pizza and it was New York Cheesecake for dessert. We then walked back over the bridge where we met a European guy who im still trying to figure out if he was gay or just had amazing fashion...
A great first couple of days in Brooklyn and while i could have spent the rest of my life waking up and strutting my stuff in Manhattan, i am loving brooklyn. Tomorrow we're off to Six Flags, weooow! Ive been hanging out to see if the roller coasters are everything they seem over here and i am so keen for the thrill and andrenaline to kick in :')
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