Rio is an awesome city, I love it!! I kind of wish it was at the end of my trip as I could definitely see myself living here (although I´m sure this wont be the only time I´ll say this!!)! Theres a great vibe to the place, a brilliant beach life and truly some of the most beautiful men ever...whats not to like?!
Things I have done so far:
Ipanema and Copacabana beaches - Ipanema has numbered posts as you go down the beach and each one ´unofficially´attracts a different crowd such as the surfers, gay/lesbian, the sporting crowd, families, and my favourite, post 9, is for the beautiful people! I kid you not!! Yesterday we walked from post 11 to post 1 and you really can see the differences as you walk along!
Shopping malls -as we are living in a poorer area of the city and working in the favellas its great to see a different side of the city by visiting one of the malls which are full of glamour and money...not a chav or primark in sight!
A night out in Lapa - i cant even describe this place as it is so unlike anywhere I´ve ever been on a night out, its crazy! theres literally hundreds upon hundreds of people swarming the streets around bars/clubs/street vendors/market place. Its a great place for people watching as every crowd is represented here and its great to see all the different styles! Sadly I cant take any pictures to show you as its way to dangerous to take valuables out as the place is rife with pickpockets!
Kilo restuarants - they weigh your plate and charge you per kilo which is awesome for vegetarians as mostly food consists of beans rice and pasta so its good to have a choice and have a little bit of everything!
Update...Christ statue - Finally got to see the Christ statue yesterday after days and days and days of cloud! Woo hoo! It was amazing!!! The views of the city from that height were stunning! When we got to the statue it was surrounded in cloud but after a while they cleared completely and everyone cheered, it was awesome! We choose a national holiday (the day of the dead!) day to go som it was completely packed which was a shame but we´d learnt that if the opportunity comes you have to take it as there probably wont be another cloudless day for a while! Photos to follow.....
As I am volunteering here most of my time is just everyday regular stuff - I will do a seperate blog for the volunteering when I´ve got time as will be too much to write now!
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