Finally arrived in Africa after a gruesome 14 hour journey.. Flight got delayed by ove 4 hours, so didn't get into Nairobi until 1am instead of 9pm. Great start!!!
Got the first taste of Africa at customs, where no one knew what forms to fill in or where to queue... Why couldn't we get the forms on the plane like in most places.
A few people including were getting ripped off, with the officials making them buy proper visas, instead of a transit visa which was $20, instead of $50.. I stuck to guns though..
Did get ripped off though on getting a taxi to my hotel. Taxi driver wanted $48 dollars for the trip, but paid him $10 each... Later found out should have only been $24... but couldn't be bothered to argue too much at 2 o'clock in the morning...!!!
Got a few hours sleep... Next day hooked up with Oasis group... Found out it was a group of 15 people doing a 19 day leg going to see Gorillas in Rwanda, but via Uganda... Team was a mix of people... some a bit strange on first impression...lots of travellers with usual fleece, bandanas, zip off pants and hiking
Sorted out all the admin, and then went on Supermarket shop... couldn't believe the amount of people who bought pillows to sleep with.. Wimps!!!
Drove a few hours north to Nakuru, through the Rift vally... Amazing scenery...On the way we already saw Baboons, Zebras, Spring Boks, Hogs...which really wasn't expecting!!!!
Truck was also pretty confortable.. Actually seated 24, and we were only 15 so had quite a lot of space to kick around in, and also there was a beach area on top where you could look out from...
Camped at a farm just outside Nakuru... Pretty confortable..even though there was a long drop there, but surprisingly had some pretty nice hot showers... Tour leader James who had little idea about cooking whipped us up an amazing spag bol on the open coals... Couldn't get enough food.. I was stuffing my face and going for seconds!!!
Had a visit around the farm which was pretty dull, but on way back got mobbed by loads of kids grabbing onto my arms and rummaging through my pockets and stuff. Took pics of them on my camera and showed them, and they all went crazy.... Lucky to get out alive..
Was pretty tired by the evening so crashed out!!!
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