hi-de-hi :)
hurrraaaah! so obviously we survived the bus trip... no exageration.. it was a mission! all up, 5 buses! and some seriously crazy brazilians...
our trip from Foz do Iguaçu was.. well indescribable really! we were a bit of a novelty and had lots of people talking to us - in Portuguese!! which obviously goes well over our heads when it is being flung at us a million miles an hour! the best part is that when you say you dont understand, they just repeat about 3 or 4 times until you just agree! so my face was hurting from plastering on the old 'smile and nod' technique!!
we had a crazy man right behind us who really took a shining to us and kept waking up a poor girl near us to translate.. i felt SO sorry for her by the end of the bus ride and i bet she was wishing she never piped up that she could speak some english!
things almost got crazy when he decided that he was going to buy a litre of whiskey at the next stop so we could drink with him and teach him english! so we pulled out the old 'sleepy sleepy' faces and thankfully he seemed to forget about the whiskey at the next stop!
So yah, we are now in Paraty, google it if you get a chance, its very beautiful and today the sun was shining and i have started to get a little colour... yipppeeee!!! we have definitely enjoyed it here but its a bit pricey and once you have wandered around the town centre a few times, activity options are pretty exhausted! we had a delicious lunch today - but was a little scarily surprised when we got the bill! well and truly overspent... oops! but there were VEGETABLES!!! oh happiness :)
there are these big loud bangs here that go off every hour or so and sound like either someones car is backfiring or someone is being shot... apparently it is firecrackers!! in the middle of the day... WHY??? every time i hear it i nearly drop dead from a fright!
so tomorrow we are off to Ilha Grande, I am looking forward to the boat ride out to the island and have my fingers crossed the sun will continue to shine! and from there to Rio... we have met some cool people and will catch up with one of them in Rio so that will be FUN! yayaya!
love to everyone xoxo
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