Chilly in the Uk is it?...thats a shame, suppose you dont have to put up with burnt skin.
Following on from Krabi, we left in happy spirits and on the journey to phi phi, optimistic about its reputation. Sure enough the little island was a taste different to the rest of Thailand we had seen, and far more backpacker orientated compared to krabi. The streets were narrow and crowded. We found ourselves taking the longest walk with our backpacks on yet to find our accomodation. Eventually we found our place, and to martis pleasure a standard higher than Koh phangan and Krabi. everything around the island was no more than a 10 minute walk away (again to martis pleasure)..except the veiw point which i shall go onto shortly. firstly we got the map out and discussed a route of exploring the island. The view point was set above, overlooking the whole of mainland phi phi and its two beeches back to back. As we ventured up the stairs we didnt imagine what we had got ourselves into. Some locals pointed and said 'Oh yes just that way' and on a soaring hot day, as the rays of the sun cook our back we pursued on further..and further, we were amazed at the angle of the stairs and slopes!! They could of build a lift or cable car of some sort..but noo, just the 80 degree angle walk for about a mile is fine!! after much sweat had been broke we reached the veiwpoint, and was ellated to see the shop too where we necked down two drinks EACH. the sight was worth it?? debatable, naa kidding it was lush :)
That night we had booked a 'sunset trip' to the second phi phi island, very small with many lagoons, and including the beach from the film. Also on this night we decided a good night out would be the plan having noticed a considerably number of cool bars floating about. Firslty we played cards with a couple of cheeky tins, then off to the bars and clubs. It was a jolly fun and drunk night..meeting some interesting people. in late hours we turned in. Yet at one particular beech bar I was to realise my darkest hour (only it was worse in the morning when i was sober) that Mr Matthew George had let slip his awareness again and some theiving thai A hole swipped my wallet 'i fell briefly to my knees' (i didnt really, that was for leslie)
As you can imagine the next morning was a worried one. Marti was dissapointed, but didnt show it and gave his support (he's a good lad) That day i put it behind me and enjoyed the day at 'The beach' island snorkelling and hanging over. The fishes were well good to see, and maya bay was awesome, very paradise like. We are still working out the financial situation and will be finalised soon (no matthew starved during this tym). thanks to marti i have a way!!
We left Phi Phi with the future of our last stop in thailand, ahead of us. We were at our stingiest point, trying to ration out our remaing baht with out pulling out anymore.
Phuket was not to say impressive and was much like a cross between bangkok and Krabi. We chilled out in phuket and had some laughs throughout our stay. The beach has some relatively fun waves to excite us, and weather to burn us to a walkers crisp. We encountered our Sweedish friends again whom we found, well they found us, on the beach. We spent two nights with the girls playing cards and having only one or two beers(considering money!) the budget was gettin tighter and tighter, and wallets were getting light...oh yea sorry marti is lending me his other wallet he brought, its as if he knew? (marti quotes 'it was only a matter of time'). the tempting food was all around but we stuck mostly to supermarkets and cheap meals..often skipping breaky and sleeping in. One thing to comment about this place is, if you enjoy hearing Thai massage alot or the word taxi alot then visit Phuket! Also a common sight is fat/ugly or old euorpean american man...clinging onto a thai lady, as if deeply in love, bless them. Any time we saw one marti would say (muffled) your a loser mate!! ur a geek..??? and to be honest it is very bizzare. In our own way we had fun in phuket...and thailand as a whole. In three weeks we have already had so many memories and are gradually getting used to being away for so long.
Matt: I promise i am trying to grow into a responsible and fully aware specimen instead of only thinking fun fun fun!! but onto singapore and hopefully leaving dopey dude behind...just dude will do from now on
Marti:I have learnt not to befriend dopey people in future!!! :P jks my travelling companion is irriplacable.. May the rest of the journey be as good as the start!
rock on xx
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