**We have done two blogs in succession as we were abit behind soo just to let you know theres also a new blog previous to his one. Its under thailand called 'phi phi & phuket'...**
Wednesday morning, 5.30am and up yet again to continue the travels.. Luckily I had bought an alarm clock which we had bartered for in phi phi... I managed to save 80baht by buyin it without a battery as matt kindly gifted 1 to me!
5 floors later- 10 flights of stairs (baring in mind it was early morning) we were greeted or 'grunted' at reception by a pigish taxi driver ready to take us to the airport! After a 3 hour wait from check-in to actually departing Phuket, we landed in Singapore weary eyed and still half asleep!
It was a bit of a difference landing with no where to go..but no worries, marti to the rescue :) after stepping out into the airport, we marched into a tourist information shop and gathered some leaflets for hostels in singapore, instantly we recognised the difference in mannerism between thai and singaporians! and already we were smiling. 10 minutes later we were on the phone and had arranged somewhere to stay.. 'The Inn Crowd'. After a quick stop off at burger king :p we mounted the MRT (the subway) and found ourselves in the wide open Singapore, a much cleaner and developed city in comparison to Thailand?
Matt was keen on going left when we left the station but after a brief check on the map, his instincts were.. wrong! soo off we trotted in the opposite direction and within a few streets located our hostel!
Entering the hostel, you could instantly see we were in the right place, backpackers and more backpackers!! With free pool, internet and breakfast - it seems we had found a gd 1 ! We our sleeping in a dorm which has about 8or 9 bunks.. soo theres lots of people to meet.. Yesterday we had a curry (we are stayin in a region called little india town) and then chilled out at the hostel, watchin some dvd's and having a few cans of Leo (beer) :D
Have vaguely looked around the town as there are so many malls and shops which are very similar, all selling high tech gear. As I am writing this now, it is our 2nd and last night here which means tomorrow we are finally of to Australia !!!!!!
This 1's only short and sweet but thought we'd let ya no where we are... we do try and sympathise as you guys are probably freezing back home :(
We now await the next stage of our trip with 3months of sun, sea and surf to look forward to! xx
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