So Yamba,
Yamba was pretty sweet. When we got up in the morning the weather had taken a turn for the worst, we actually had to put jumpers on for the first time since I've been here. We took a walk around the headland and visited about 5 of Yamba'a 9 beaches! It was quite pretty but the flood water had hit so it was a bit brown. It was very blustery and reminded us very much of home again so we reminised a bit.
Walked back to the hostel on a circular route by the river which was very pretty and then had abit of lunch before our tour.
We went on "Shane's $10 Tour' which was run by the guy that owned the hostel. It was so much fun, he showed us all round Yamba and then out to Angourie which was a lovely headland. We went cliff jumping into fresh water pools, saw a 'snake', fed a wild kangaroo and some fish and just learnt a lot about the area. And we saw where the owner of billabongs house was! So worth $10. Got back to the hostel and it was already 6pm so we cooked and chatted to this girl from Birmingham which was nice and then chilled in front of Blackadder with a cup of coffee. A very English end to the night.
Today we got up early and went down to the beach, Marie went surfing but I wasn't really in the mood so I took some photos of her and read my book and caught up with my travel diary! It was very relaxing and Marie had a good time getting pummeled.
Then we caught a bus down to Belligen which is where we are now but I will write about here tomorrow!
Lots of love,
Chlo xx
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