Dembula, Queensland Dec 27, 2014 Today we started picking the limes. It's hot work again and the trees have thorns so you cut up your arms quite a bit
Dembula, Queensland Dec 26, 2014 Went fishing again today and caught two massive cat fish, we took them home, gutted and prepared them for the fridge to eat later this week. We took the horses out for a ride around the mango trees too
Dembula, Queensland Dec 25, 2014 Had a lovely day today. We actually caught a fish with our fishing line. We picked some mangos and made a mango jam. Later we made some banana chips from the banana trees on the farm. In the evening we were invited over to the owner of the farm (Bryan) to have a bbq with the family
Dembula, Queensland Dec 24, 2014 Christmas Eve today! Decorated the barracks and cleaned up a bit ready for tomorrow