Chasing the Sun...
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Cairns, Queensland

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Auckland, New Zealand

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Paihia, New Zealand

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Rotorua, New Zealand

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Taupo, New Zealand
Bosan and Daniele Chikkkaaaaaaaa! This is Bosan and Daniel here!!!! Miss you loads!!! p.s. Bosan did not get a single e-mail from you, not having an access to internet 24/7 while traveling? so what?! it's a poor excuse! Bosan is not happy! lol. Hope you are haivng a fantastic time. Lub you loads!
re: FijiMummio Sounds amazing! Hmmm... Hawaii not our list right now. To stickie or not to stickie?? Can't think of a more impt question.
re: HawaiiMummio Just so glad to hear that you got yourselves out of Banff. Sounds like you guys continue to have an amazing trip. Back to work myself tomorrow. Keep living the dream!
re: SeattleAllen Flaming Having fun reading your ongoing exploits. I remember when they were just finding their way across the continent....
re: Seattles Will update it soon-ish mummio.... Best things come to those that wait? Or some such!
re: Jasper to BanffMummio Trees are just a lot safer to hug than that scary Sanj, aren't they Kiran?
re: Can hug a tree, but not S.Mummio Big and little sis -- We know that you are no longer in Banff, unless you lied to us and snuck around town, hiding from us. Not to pressure you, but really, time to move this blog on at a faster pace. How are we supposed to sleep at night when we think that you are stuck in Banff?
re: Jasper to BanffBig sis post is truly funny. Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear that you did not take up the jobs. A stunning picture.....amazing view with two amazing individuals.
re: Jasper to Banff- last visited

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Kiran has not added a travel plan yet
Allen Hey - you found my circus pupils even in NZ!
Kiran Yes, they send their regards. Had nothing but nice things to say about you x