Night ten and day eleven of Contiki!
Arriving with time to spare, we were actually allowed time to get ready this night, and after another extensive Italian feast, we made our way down to the "Red Garter", where two litres of cocktail were only 27€ and the karaoke was just as free flowing. Sadly, our night was ended prematurely by drunk-hoeism, and damaged karaoke technology. There was much fun and dancing, however, and Florence did impress us.
The following day, was a free day in Florence which I spent with Jay. After a leather demonstration that morning and the purchasing of many puzzle rings, we partook in a city tour. Florence is a fantastic city, filled top to toe with art, history, and culture. Despite being a major shopping capital, I somehow managed to find nothing that tempted me, short of lunch and coffee. It was fantastic, however, wandering the streets and absorbing the thick atmosphere of ancient culture.
That night was the much anticipated Tuscan dinner. A fantastic four course meal broken up by bouts of the chicken dance, the Macarena, and various opportunities to simply get down.
This ended all too early, and at 10pm, we departed for the Techno Space-disco thingy. I'll admit that my hopes weren't high for this, especially with my general dislike for clubbing.
It was fantastic, though, the drinks were cheap and effective, the company was brilliant, and our floor was essentially owned by Contiki groups! Our group alone took over the stage, the DJ deck, and the cages. The music was generic, of course, but the atmosphere was so fantastic that this didn't phase me as much as usual.
Florence did it best.
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