We both woke up with a hangover from last nights drinking. I didn't think we would manage to drink the whole box but we did, the equivalent of two bottles of wine each! Still we woke up early at 8am. I must have been really drunk because I didn't even sleep in the bed with Chris. I passed out on the pull out bed, when I looked around I noticed Susan was back in our room and was asleep on the bottom bunk bed! I was sure she left last night. Chris laughed and said she came back knocking on our door last night and asked him what we were doing. He told her we were all going to sleep so she said ok and climbed into bed and went to sleep! Lol. Susan was just as confused when she woke up!
Desperately needing hangover food we dragged ourselves out of bed and went for breakfast and free pancakes at 9am. I caught Jasmine and Clinton heading out to cycle around the city. I would have liked to have joined them but the kitchen was calling. Agnes and Hillsey joined us for breakfast. We cooked our own fry ups which were well needed, chatted our hangover off then went back to our room to get ready for the day.
We went to the post office so we could send our old camera and our Aboriginal painting home. The camera felt so small compared to our new one! When we finished at the post office we took a walk to the shops to buy new clothes! Chris has now come to terms with the fact that he needs a new pair of flip flops, his old ones where two millimetres away from becoming nonexistent! We saw another backpacker walking down the same street, he was wearing head phones and had a large back pack on, he looked very rough and he didn't have any shoes on! He was probably holding onto his last pair like Chris was lol. He must of had no money left because he was going down every bin in the street!
We continued to walk down the road until we found the shop Cotton On, which is similar to a New Look store back at home. Susan had recommended it to us because the prices were a lot cheaper. They had a great selection of t shirts for Chris but he wouldn't pick any up, he wanted to look else where so we did. Every other shop was ridiculously expensive so we ended up back there and he got some really nice bits. I found Chris a new pair of flip flops, so as a reward I was allowed to buy myself new clothes too! We must have been in Cotton On for at least two hours!
When we got back to our room we emptied our backpacks out on the floor so we could sort out what we were keeping and what we were throwing away. Jasmine came in and laughed at how messy our room was then left us to it. We both found it difficult to throw away our clothes so kept most of them and will decide later on.
At 7pm we got ready to go out for pizza with the others. We met up at reception and made our way to the Duke pub around the corner for their $3.50 pizza deals. Unfortunately the advertisement back in our hostel forgot to mention we had to buy a drink to be entitled to the deal so really it was about $11 each! After spending a lot today and on dinner and drink last night we decided to give it a miss and made our way to Coles supermarket. The others had already ordered so they stayed in the pub.
We already knew what we were going to get, we couldn't be bothered to do much cooking or washing up so we bought a can of chunky tex mex soup each, a couple of cheesy bacon rolls and a naughty chocolate bar each all for only $10!
The others were already in the hostel when we got back with our food. Everyone was knackered so no one stayed up late. We ate our soup and rolls and went back to our room. I hadn't spoken to my family for over two weeks so luckily I caught them on Skype and had a good long catch up before going to bed.
We start a new tour tomorrow morning which will take us down to Melbourne so we have to be up at 5:45am.
Charlotte & Chris
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