Woke up at 7am, it was our last lay in on tour, it's so nice to wake up after sun rise! We ate breakfast in the mill and left by 8am. We drove for an hour to Melrose town for coffee. The coffee shop had a lot of really old stuff that made the place look cool. I went outside to use the toilet and heard a strange noise. It sounded like a little child wining but when I came back out I found a really cute playful puppy! He was so excited bouncing all over the place. I went back into the shop to tell Chris and we both went out to play with the puppy. Our fun ended when the owner came into the garden and apologised for her excited puppy, we really didn't mind but she still took the puppy away.
We drove to Clare Valley next for wine tasting and lunch. We were all excited about getting to try the different wines. As we got closer to the town we could see large vineyards on either side of the road that stretched for miles! The bus pulled up outside a big country winery and we walked in. Already laid out along the bar were bottles of wine and a few liqueurs. The lady behind the bar gave us a list of the different wines we would taste and then offered generous samples in glasses to us. She gave brief descriptions of the taste and aromas before offering us the next one. I haven't always appreciated wine until recently, I liked almost every bottle! The sweet liqueurs were especially nice and I will definitely be trying one with ice cream some day. Even beer man Chris liked the wines and helped himself to a few, we had six white wines, five red wines and four liqueurs to be exact. It wasn't long before I started to feel a little bit tipsy and decided I better stop (Me and Hillsey were the last ones to stop lol). The lady behind the bar asked us where we were from and laughed when I said I was from Mitcham. It turned out she was originally from Thorton Heath, she said her first car was stolen from her drive and later found on Mitcham Common, on fire. She decided to leave the busyness of cities, went back packing like us, met someone from Australia and is now living a very relaxed, slow paced life in the outback. We left the winery and sat outside with everyone else. We ate our lunch and then headed to our next destination, Adelaide!
On our way to Adelaide we stopped off for a forty five minute hike through a forest area. The hike wasn't very interesting but it was nice to get a bit of exercise after sitting in the bus for hours. We arrived in Adelaide at 5pm and checked into the YHA hostel. The receptionist advised us that they had up graded us all to family rooms and because me and Chris were a couple we got a whole family room to ourselves! The girls and boys were split into two separate family rooms on the same floor as us, it was nice to all be so close to each other. Our rooms were really nice, big double bed and our own en suite!
We all went out to get dinner together from Coles supermarket, we picked up plenty of ravioli, vegetables and garlic bread to share. We also decided we would have a few drinks in our rooms tonight so went searching for a box of 'Goon' which is the back packer name for the cheap wine. Back home you can pick up alcohol in almost every shop, not in Adelaide you can't, we searched for ages pacing up and down the busy streets of the city. There's plenty of coffee shops and bakeries but no off licenses and the supermarkets aren't licensed to sell it. We eventually went back to the hostel and asked at the reception. Me, Chris and Susan left the others to cook while we headed out again for the wine. We eventually found it after fifteen minutes, we couldn't believe how difficult it was to find a bottle shop.
Anyway we bought our four and a half litre box of Goon and rushed back. We went up to the dinning area where Agnes had the table set, dinner was just being served and it looked delicious! We all sat around and helped ourselves to the food. When we finished me and Chris washed and dried up, then we all went upstairs to start on our Goon. The cheap wine was surprisingly really nice but tasted better with the orange we bought. Maybe a bit too nice, we finished it off by midnight! Everyone had a great giggle, Agnes was sleepy so we all moved into our room. After a few more glasses we were all falling asleep so we said good night and everyone went back to their own rooms.
Charlotte & Chris
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