We set an alarm for 7am but didn't end up needing it, the staff came in and woke everyone up at 6:50am!! Everybody but Jenna was dressed and downstairs, one lady named Edith kept shouting breakfast time until Jenna came down. We could tell she wasn't happy about being called down as she sat at the table. Everyone had eggs on toast but I just had cornflakes. Im still attempting to get fit in Fiji but Chris reckons I'm getting fat in Fiji!!! And to be honest I think he's right.
We finished breakfast then found two sun beds for the day. It was very quiet on the island in the morning but we knew by lunch time it would be busy again. We found out that the day trippers get free drinks so we might have to make friends with some of them when they arrive. We laid in the sun until lunch at twelve. Chris listened to his iPod and had a couple of tea runs because he got bored of sunbathing. Eventually he sat and chatted with Naomi in the shade, who was very burnt from the other day.
After lunch we got chatting to Naomi and Debbie again, we all went over to the sea and watched as a member of staff named Edith feed the small sharks, then Chris had a go. He bent down then Edith yelled at him "Watch out! They will eat your sausage, then Charlotte won't be happy!" We all laughed and looked at each other in shock! I took some photos of Debbie and Naomi on the paddle boards for them, they were funny to watch, then it was our go. Chris looked like he had shaky legs of an old man! But still managed to go out without falling off. I managed to stand up and drift out, I was useless, my legs went stiff and I couldn't move, I gave up very quickly. Then Jenna had a go, she was very good at it, her boy friend was worse than me and fell off a few times. He was last on the board but was too lazy to pull it in, he left Debbie to struggle with it then made Jenna run over and help. In the end Chris went over and helped them while Kieran floated around in his life jacket like a lazy p**** No one really liked him. One of the other guests nearby said to Jenna she should get rid of him!
We lazed around in the sun and chatted with Naomi, making sure we weren't burning. Last thing we want is to get burnt on an island where everything revolves around the sun. Debbie said we could make bracelets with Edith so we all went over and waited for her, even Chris wanted to make one. The more we got to know Edith the more we realised she was a crazy b****! She told us she was banned from entertaining guests in the evening because of complaints. We asked her why and she explained she got everybody drunk and naked one night and then took a photo of the guys running around the island. The guys had fun that night but obviously felt embarrassed of their actions the following morning so complained about her. Sounded a bit out of order really. We have to admit though, she is definitely obsessed with sex and sausages as she calls them, especially Chris's sausage! She was very funny and gave us a free beer each. She showed us how to make bangles from palm leaves then we had a go. Ours weren't bad but not great. Then she gave Chris a coconut to see if he could crack it open in one hit from his hand. I had the camera almost ready then he went ahead before I could start recording! He did it but I missed him! So I called him an idiot which made Edith laugh. He will have to try again another day.
We sat chatting to Edith and the others until everybody left the island at 5pm and we went up for a shower and got dressed for dinner. We didn't bother watching the sun set this time because it was too cloudy and there was a chance of rain. Jodie returned from her day trip and a newbie from France arrived on the island. The conversation and atmosphere was a lot quieter compared to last night and we already missed the teachers. Dinner was really nice again, fish steak and jacket potato but I couldn't eat all of mine. The meal was so big I felt guilty leaving more than half of it! Then suddenly I had a bad tummy so had to keep disappearing off to the loo, it wasn't like I could hide the fact that I felt ill with only four people around the table! In the end we said we were knackered from today so went to bed straight after dinner, leaving Mrs Waffle to chat with Mr France who didn't know much English.
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