Chris was already awake when I woke needing to pee last night, his sting was really irritating him so he couldn't sleep. Finally he gave in and accepted my help, no I didn't pee on him but he did allow me to use anti histamine cream to stop the itching.
This morning we got chatting to another couple at breakfast, their names were Erin and Luke. We listened to their stories about their experiances in Central and South America which have made us want to go there even more now, it won't be on this trip though.
After breakfast we went back to our bure for a few hours. It was nice to sit in the hammock and listen to the waves gently hitting the sand. At that moment I wished I had a book or had brought my kindle with me, I miss my kindle and regret not bringing it, especially as Chris
got really obsessed with his little war game on the iPad! Eventually I got bored doing nothing so gave myself a manicure and pedicure before lunch. I really fancied having a drink in the sun so I bought a vodka and cranberry drink, then made a small Bacardi and lemonade for both of us while we sunbathed on the beach. As usual Chris got bored after an hour so he started playing with the hermit crabs scurrying around us. There's loads of crabs on the beaches here and lots of deep round holes where the bigger crabs hide. I said lets have another rum so Chris went and got a can of coke each from the bar and filled them with our own rum. Chris hates laying down and drinking so we sat in the sea with them instead. I love laying in the sun with a drink, it knocks me out!
The sun had crept over to the other side of the island so I wanted to go over to sunset beach and carry on drinking there. Chris didn't want to lay down anymore so we went to the sun deck instead so he could sit up in a chair and I could lay on the sand. The suns reflection on the sea from behind the clouds made a silvery setting. I suddenly had an idea for a photo so I ordered Chris to sit in his chair on the rocks so I could take the photo. He was glad I did after as it looked really cool, then he took one of me sitting out on the rocks. It looked ok but not as cool as his one.
The tide was coming in so we walked further down the beach. Chris made another strong rum and coke then we pulled a bench over on the sand and sat with Erin and Luke while the sunset. It was too cloudy for a good one but it was still nice chatting and listening to Erin and Luke's chill out music.
The sun disappeared and the mozzies were hungry so we all went back to get ready for dinner. I hate wearing bug spray so decided to put my jeans and hoodie on so I didn't have to cover myself in our 80% deet cream.
We had a nice dinner then decided we would stay up tonight and have a couple of drinks. The staff were entertaining us with their singing and guitar playing around a bonfire tonight. We went and sat down and enjoyed listening to them, we tried some of the kava they passed around, it tasted like dirty potato water! We had a couple of bowls and didn't feel anything. The evening was ruined when one of the staff members from Australia joined in, he made a lot of noise while he sat down right in the middle of the group. It was obvious he was a little drunk, he made stupid loud yelps every few minutes and made rude comments after every song. We could see that none of the staff liked him but were too professional to say anything or ask him to leave. The guys name was Brian, suddenly he told everyone that the saying on the island was 'shut the f*** up Brian' and he was very proud of it. After a few more minutes of his rude behaviour Chris snapped and told him to listen to the saying and shut the f*** up! Brian told Chris to f*** off then Chris reacted aggressively and said or what? Brian didn't say anything after that but still made idiot comments like it was his show. We had enough so sat with the bar man and had a drink, not long after the rest of the staff stopped playing and called it a night because of Brian.
We finished our rum at the bar then called it night and headed back to our room for bed.
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