I woke up during the night bursting for the toilet again! This time Chris did too! It was alright for him though, he peed out of the side window while I had to run to the toilets in the dark again! We laid in bed watching the sun rise through our window again until we heard the drums call for breakfast.
This morning we decided to go on a short hike upto the highest point of the island. It was a beautiful day for it, a nice breeze in the air and clear sky. It was easy, it only took us twenty minutes to reach the top. We saw some massive spiders in the trees along the way and Chris got covered in cob webs as he was in front as we walked through the forest. The path we followed was very narrow, we had to climb over and duck under a few tree branches and mind we didn't slip. It was a really nice view at the top.
We had been told there were wild goats up there but we couldn't see any, there was lots of goat poo though. After ten minutes we decided to head back down, Chris suddenly spotted two baby goats resting under some bushes. He showed me and we moved a little closer. They looked up and made little baa noises. They appeared very curious but nervous. One was black and white, the other was brown, they were extremely cute and must have only been only a couple of weeks old. Chris tried to get closer and they jumped up and walked onto the path in front of us. They stood there watching us curiously. They didn't run away so we crouched down and watched them for a while. We kept an eye out for their mother who had to be close by, we were right on the edge of the cliff so we didn't want her rushing out and head butting us off with her horns!
Eventually we had to start going back so we stood up and the babies started walking along the cliff edge, they were very good with their balance. We watched them run higher up the hill and almost disapper. I started making some goat noises and it looked like they were confused, they started running back down again crying out very loudly, they sounded like babies crying! Suddenly their mother came rushing out of the bushes panicking and looking for them, she saw us but luckily we weren't near them anymore! they ran to her then she took them away from us over the hill. She had really fat udders so they were obviously still only on milk.
We started going back down again, it only took us twenty minutes. When we got down we went to the toilet and Chris spotted a mouse. It wasn't moving much so I poked it with a stick which made it waddle forward, it looked like it was slowly dying. I gave it a little stroke and Chris yelled at me to wash my hands, then Chris started poking it with a stick. I wanted to move it but Chris told me to leave it alone to die in peace. I gave it some water on a leaf before we left.
By now it was almost lunch time, I spotted Rene sitting in her hammock outside her bure. I told her about the mouse so she wouldn't freak out if she saw it. She laughed then invited us out on a boat trip with them that they had chartered for the afternoon, it sounded like a lot of fun so we accepted.
Straight after lunch we got fins from the dive hut and grabbed our snorkels and met them on the beach. We went out on the boat around the islands for over an hour. The weather was perfect and we got to see some lovely beaches, a little gutted we couldn't stop at any though as they were privately owned and the hotel would have got charged. Then the boat stopped in the channel to see if any mantas were about, unfortunately we had just missed them!
We stopped over some coral and snorkelled for a bit. Chris found a crown of thorn starfish and brought it onto the boat with a screwdriver, it was still clinging onto a piece of coral! They are extremely deadly to reefs and can get through meters of it a day so it was great that he found it. Once it was on the boat the driver stabbed the hell out of it and said he was going to bury it in the sand when we get back to kill it!
Suddenly we heard people shouting "manta ray" so we climbed back in the boat and hurried to the channel and dived back in. We spotted two really big black ones, they swam back and forth giving us all a really good work out against the strong current. It was very exciting, they were about three meters in width! We got so close and swam with them for about forty five minutes until we had to go. We were so excited and pleased we had finally seen them! We were very grateful that Rene, Marco and Clay had taken us out with them.
When we got back we had a look at the photos and exchanged a few with each other. Our mouths felt dry from sea salt so a nice cup of tea helped get rid of it. Afterwards we went back and got showered and ready for dinner. The mouse was still there and barely alive. I encouraged it onto a large leaf and taxied it under a wooden plank where it wouldn't be noticed.
We spoke to Chin Chin and Rene at dinner. Chin Chin said she had upgraded to a safari tented room so she could relax and not worry about the mice and insects getting in. We asked her where she had been all day and she said she had been over at Manta Ray Resort. She was very excited about the resort and preferred it more there. She made us all laugh when she got excited about how nice the shared toilets were!
The staff were holding a kava party tonight as the entertainment, we decided we weren't in the mood for it so instead we went back and had a few rum and cokes together while swinging in our hammock.
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