I thought I would have this pic of the wine glasses as the opening picture as im proud of it...yes i took it! arty isnt it....?!
Anyway so the last time i spoke to you all was just before the much has happened since then i dont know where to start! On the morning of the tour i was picked up from Cairns and we took our journey up to Cape Tribulation via a few sights. There were the usual pretty scenic lookout points-they have a lot of those here-its very nice but it can get a bit boring!
We also took a cruise down the Daintree River which is famous for crocodiles-we saw one but it was under the water and not moving much but at least i can say ive seen a wild one!
After the river cruise we stopped at Mossman Gorge-we were supposed to go for a swim but it was quite cold so quite a few people just stuck their feet in! There were fish nibbling at my legs it was vrey strange! Pretty there though.
We eventually got up to the accomodation early evening, and once we had checked in we went down to the beach. A few other poeple from other tours tagged along as well, so quite a few of us ended up going to the beach. The only problem was that we got a bit lost lookin for the exit to the beach-it was starting to get dark and we ouldnt see any way off the beach! Luckily we found it but we honestly thought we were going to have to set up camp or start an SOS fire!
That night we were given vouchers for a free meal at the cafe there, so i had a massive pizza!
The accomdation there was quite nice but it really was in the middle of nowhere. I couldnt have stayed there longer than one night as it was quite boring! There was literally one shop, one hotel, the beach and lots of field and trees.
In the morning we were picked up at 8am to go horse riding. We rode all through the rainforest and down onto the beach. I was the only one in the group who could actually ride properly, so everyone waited on the beach while I was taken down for a gallop down the beach-it was amazing! Its amazing how much the horse livens up when it wants to! On the way back from the beach we stopped at a watering hole and we went for another paddle and fed the horses crackers (apparently they like crackers!?). We had a few canters through the rainforest and Katie lost her sunglasses in the process! ASfter the ride Katie, me and Cassie had to walk the route again and find these bloddy glasses! We didnt find them so we gave up! We went to the little shop on the way back and it was honestly like we were strangers. Everyone stopped to stare at us!
In the early evening we were picked up to go back to Cairns-my bus was an hour late which was worrying but i got back in the end! My accomodation in Cairns was weird-it was like all the rooms were at ground level and just had patio doors rather than walls. Nothing like a hostel ive ever seen before!
After id had a sleep i got myself ready and went to Cairns airport to fly to Adelaide. I got fed lunch and dinner on there (yes it really took almost 6 hours to fly from one end of Austarlia to the other!) and landed about 10pm. I had to get a taxi to the hostel and when i got there the reception was closed. So basically i was locked out of the hostel! Katie was already in there as she had taken an earlier flight, but neither of us had credit on our phone so that wasnt very useful! Basically i had to bang on the door until someone came down, then they had to find someone that worked there to give me my key! We had to leave at 6am the next morning so had to leave our key in a hidey hole for the reception staff to find...shambles! Anyway we eventually left there in the monring and went o Kanmgaroo Island for 2 days. The ferry was a bit choppy and some poeple were ill. When we got there we were greeted by Simon-he didnt take his wooly hat off the whole time we were over there but apparently hes originally from Brighton-but hes been over there so long he now just has an aussie accent!
The first place we went to was a sheep farm, so they could show us how farmers live over there etc. Basically Kangaroo island is green, cold, windy, it was just like being at home!! lots of farms as well.
After the sheep shearing we went for lunch at a Eucalyptus farm. I held a baby kangaroo and a baby wallaby (Katie has these photos on her camera so i will find them) they were so small! They were basically presented to me in a beanie hat...thats how small they were!
Our accomodation that night was OK, although the toilets and showers were practially outside which was abit chilly! The kitchen was in a tin shack and the dining room was all dark wood with a fire-apparently a family used to live in there!
We all had to help with cooking and washing up etc on the tour-i helped out quite a bit but there were quite a few German people on the tour and they really started to annoy me byu the end of the two days...constantly telling me i should be doing it their way, and frowning over ebverything i did...never mind they would be gone by the end of the day!
On the way back to the ferry we stopped at Remarkable rocks and Admirals Arch-basically some rocks...they were cool though, it was so windy down there that nobody could stand up properly and i swear if i jumped in the air i could have been carried home!
The ferry on the way back was OK, although the news channels kept saying there were warning of severe winds etc at sea, but our ferry still ran! Bit bumpy to say the least!
We got back to Adelaide late (so the hostelk reception was closed again!) We had to shout up to someone on the balcony to let us in, then we had to just knock on doors until we found spare beds! We found some to stay in, but the next morning we had to leave at 6am again, so basically we had no choice but to leave without paying! Free night is always good!
The next morning we started our Adelaide to Melbourne trip-this was a 3 day tour along the Great Ocean road. I wont bore you with all the details, you can look at the photos. But basically it was very windy and wet still, but we stil managed to climb to the top of one of the Grampian Mountains (Hollow Mountain), have a bbq, get attacked by rare birds, some people went for a swim in the freezing sea-crazy! We also realised on the first day that those annoying German people were on our tour again! Not only that but we had to share a room with them! It was Katies bday half way through the tour, so we all sang to her in the morning. We also drove down into the middle of a disused volcano, and saw tonnes of wildlife.
Yesterday we took a trip to the Yarra Valley in Melbourne, basically this is the vineyard reguion where they make all the wine. We had a whole day of tasting wine, there were cheese and biscuits abnd a massive lunch at a posh restauarant. We even went to the Moet and Chandon vineyards to taste Champagne! Although we cant call it Chapagne if its not from france-we have to call is Sparkling Wine Methode Champagnoise....just incase you needed to know that! We were taught how to taste wine properly and how to smell it-was actually quite interesting!
Today we will probably get on the free tram in Melbourne that takes you round and basically does a quick tour of melbourne. Then we will get another tram up to St Kilda which is a little area of Melbourne with a beach and markets. Tomorrow we go on our Neighbours tour-then fly out to New Zealand on the 20th-im half way throug my travels now pretty much-its scary!
I have no idea what time it is at home now-our clocks have changed here but i dont think your have-plus the fact ive flown and driven through about 3 different time zones within Australia so im so confused now!
p.s. My hostel has free pasta and free tea im sorted for a while!
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