Hmm thats says i have uploaded 4 blogs in the last 24 hours on here....maybe al those times i clicked 'upload' actually worked!
Well anyway, i am now in Auckland with my friend Emily, and she has provided me with Yorkshire tea and choc digestives...and the internet so im very happy! Was met at the bus stop by Emilys friend from home Christina, then we came back to the house to wait for Emily. The house is really nice, in the suburbs and there are 5 peoplethat live here i think...well now there are 7 with me and Christina so im kipping on the sofa. I am currently watching Simpsons and helping Emily with pasta portion control!
So now i can tel you a bit more about my trip round the East Coast, we started in Rotorua which is famous for the natural hit springs, so there are lots of heated pools, mud baths and spas around, the only problem is its all geothermal so smells like egg the whole time!
Yesterday I went Zorbing which was cool, the best part was that when i turned up it was really quiet, so they gave me a wet run, a dry run, and a photo cd for 55dollars! Normally tha would be about 130dollars! As soon as i finished though a bus load of people arrived so the staff kept passing people over to me so i could tell them how amazing it was! After that i went to the Government gardens...i think i have seen more gardens than the average 80 year old recently, but its free and fills some time!
On the way round the East Coast we had to learn a Maori song, which has been in my head for about a week! I have even written the words in the front of my diary so i can remember it forever...lovely!
I taught the Maori children how to make smores as well (Jen you can tell Mel im spreading the smore love!)which was nice-it was strange teaching Maori children to do something western...i felt all touched!
Sorry this blog is a bit random, im actually having to look through the diary i write every day to remember what ive done! Im just about to show Emily my bungy video and Zorbing pics which should be funny.
Also on the way round we went to the most Easterly point in NZ-the East Cape lighthouse-apparenlty people have died on the cliffs so we were careful! 750 steps up there though!
Anyway...will probably update again when im in Thailand, in the meantime feel free to look at the pics!
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