Well…. Although not up to much it appears I have been lacking on the blog front!!!
So hoorah… we are finally in perth!!!!!!!! But hell… I left cairns on a high (when I say high.. it was 14,000ft high… and I say high,,, I mean fall,,,, indeed…. I actually f***ing went skydiving!!!!!!!)
Monday night: met up with our previous roomies cat and dani at another hostel for some drinks before heading to the woodshed/woodshack/sheepshed (no idea of its name!!!) bar. Wow… haha… you walk in and people are dancing on the tables everywhere… it was totally crazy and of course I was like pfttt… dancing on tables, sod that. Given 10 minutes we were all up there dancing with the rest of them and doing impressions of flying monkeys as we swung from table to table via the beams… absolutely hysterical.. the dj had a split personality disorder I swear… one minute it was hip hop.. th next cheesy 80’s rock.. absolutely brilliant!!!
Tuesday: well it was a bright and early start again… and a nervous wait to see if my skydiving was cancelled for the 4th time. Luckily or not it wasn’t!!! tash decided she didn’t want to jump in cairns due to wasting so much time so it was just me toodling off at 7.30 to hurl myself from a plane!!
At the airfield we were put on hold due to the weather,, a short wait which seemed to last a lifetime!!! I was quite happily snoozing when the call came in and it was go go go. At this point my heart started breakdancing and after a few ‘oh f**cks’ we were in the air. I chose to jump first so I sat facing the others and got the most amazing views out of the plane door (when I say door I mean its rather like a bit of clingfilm.!!!!) I had just about resigned myself to the fact that i could do it when i made the foolish mistake of asking how high we were (me thinking wow we're nearly there) turns out we were only 4,000ft with another 10,000ft to go!!!! yes. at this point i did nearly wet myself!! the scenery the same time as wetting myself, on the odd few seconds u forgot u were going to be thrown out of the plane, the views were breath taking and so calming...
so with the 2 minute warning i actually looked like i was having an epileptic fit as i was shaking so much and then the door god.. for all who know me.. it was f'in freezing!!!! doug told me it wouldn't be cold for long and told me to uncross my legs... at which point i was clawing at his legs and trying to find somthing to hold onto in the plane to stop me leaving it!!!! with no warning from doug one minute i was looking at the ckouds,, the next falling through them at a speed even super man would have been proud of!!!
those first few seconds... wow.... how to describe it!!!! as u can tell from my face i was screaming quite a lot!!! i had no idea we were going so firstly i was in shock... your stomach lurches as you start falling and your totally disorientated... couldn't tell if i was upside down or not!!! then the high hits...i absolutely loved it... espcially when we spun... so much fun!!!!!! tho... i defy anyone to try and look sexy skydiving. at that speed all the fat on your body does a mexican wave which makes for some bloody funny pictures!!
when the parachute opened scared me s***less as was so happy falling i had forgotten about it opening.. was so surreal after that... it was like you were still in the plane watching the views.. absolutely amazing and so fun to steer it.... after a few more rather girly screams we had an A class landing and it was over.... and i wanted to go again!!!!! seriously.. it beats any drug i'm telling you!!! the high contiued all day ( still a little giddy 2 days later!!!!)
so after watching the vid at the hostel and nearly wetting ourselves time to make tracks to the airport. us being dumb didn't realise that pikey-r-us airlines fly to sydney THEN to perth... long!!! we left our hostel at 12.20 midday and due to flight delays etc we actually got to our hostel at 2am. god.!!!!
then the hostel.... omfg!!!! seriously... we got to our room (6 bed female ensuite) and turned out there was like 10 ppl in there (male and female) , food everywhere, dirty, ppl smoking inside and everyone stinking drunk. i actually nearly died. tash describes my face as horror. sheer horror. in my horror i turned to my faithful friend valium!!!! i said to tash i was setting my alarm first thing and we were leaving, turns out i didn't sleep as a) i was so damned cold (perth is chilly i tell you!) and b) they went through each others bags so i kept mine next to my head!!!!! so at 7am both me and tash we were awake and escaped!!!! having told the manager how disgusted we were we walked out without paying and got a bus to central perth where we are staying at the most amazing hostel!!! its gorgeous and we get free breakfast so again, being pikeys its eat as much as u can possibly fit in at breakfast time!!!!!
well had better be off....opening night pink tour tomorrow (aaaggghh can"t wait!!!!) so lots of planning to do...possibly off to see some ppl we know tonight, its all go go go!!!!
mum: got your emails, will reply in a couple of days, money going well,,,am def staying for longer on gold coast as just been told by trusty steed that it gets warmer there!!! lots of love to grandad and give my bear a huge cuddle as i miss him sleeping on my bed with me (dammit....both me and tash miss our beds and its only 3 weeks in!!!! haha) xx
daddy: will sort out bank things in a couple of days, got plenty at the moment to keep going, have got a card with the bank address and think over here and at home they call the same thing with different names (hope u understand??) lots of love to everyone xx
richard: i got the cassowary warning after my jurrasic park encounter unfortunately!!!! as for the 8 legged devils...i am not looking for them and hope they don't look for me!!!!
karen: you legend in all ways possible!!!!! xx
del: will email you tomorrow baby, can't wait to meet you, sounds like some awesome things you can show us, sorry itnernet cafe closing, but will email tomorro!!!! xx
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