wow i am lazy on this updating lark!!!!!!!!! been a weird and wodnerful week to say the least!!!
tuesday: bloody early start (6,30am!!) for our trip to cape tribulation (the only place in the world where 2 world heritage sites meet: the rainforest and the reef) stopped in at port douglas for coffee then onto mossman gorge. wow is all i can say!!! the rainforest was everything i expected: minus baloo and mogli! and yes it is a forest and yes it did rain! was stunning, will post some pics later. mossman gorge is amazing,, however not wanting to show off with my swimming skills i kept to paddling whilst super tash made the swim out to this rock in the middle of the swimming hole to pose for pics. after that it was an hour cruise down the daintree river...again the scenery is amazing! got to see a couple of 2 week old crocs as well as a 1 and 2 yr old and a fat b***** of a 9 year old (only saw part of him,... not sure what part to be precise!!) by the end i was dying of hyperthermia tho as rain had set in big style!!! back to the bus and onto cape trib beach for a picture (wrapped in a towel,,, hmmm... sexy!) then onto our accomodation.....however decided to stop to go to the loo and felt like i was in jurrasic park! there was warning signs telling you about this caaosprey (??) bird (its like a 6ft tall chicken thats black and hairy and has a horn to butt you with!!!) so i was peeking round the cublicles thinking it was going to be in there waiting for me!
stayed in pk jungle village: remote, quiet and a bit dull! not a lot to do apart from go to the bar and due to money restrictions could just sit there looking longfully at the beer!!! tho someone gave us a pan of rice and potatoes,,, we must have been dribbling next to them or something! the next morning i went horse riding. wow... i can't even tell you how amazing it was... one of my true highlights this trip so far... rode through the rainforest and onto the cape trib beach..also got some amazing pictures....was just so nice to be back in the saddle again!!!
after lunch did an impression of tarzan looking for jane by jungle surfing. it involves zip wiring from platform to platform which increase in height and u go faster as u go along. a few rather girly screams did escape my mouth it must be said!!! views from the platforms were again out of this world.... when i can get the damned pics off my camera will post again!!!!
thursday we were supposed to be skydiving but it was cancelled due to bad weather so stayed in the hostel reading most of the day before a scrummy dinner of 2 minute noodles costing me a fortune of $1 (thats about 40p.....pikeys-r-us!!!)
friday: another day of doing nothing!!!! rain has set in big style this week in cairns so spent the day again chilling and reading and woop woop treated myself to a bag of salad for dinner. parents: be proud!!!
saturday: today we went to mission beach to skydive. after a 2 hour drive, 1 hour wait, 2 changes of underwear and even getting onto the plane to taxi off... our bloody jump was cancelled at ther last minute due to bad weather!! so have re-booked it again for the 3rd time for tomorrow!!! me thinks someone is trying to tell me that jumping out of a plane with a hankerchief tied to you is a bad idea....
at home u spend so long craving to do nothing... yet here all i crave is to be doing something!!! have tickets to the mtv awards in sydney however so lots and lots of things to look forward to in the upcoming weeks!!!
will post some pics later tonight or tomorrow...
caley: becasue i said i would... haha,.... stop being a goon and hope my board is nice!!! take care of yourself... find us some rich men k??? hahaha
ma: got my account number so no worries
dad: bank sorted for now thanks!!!
everyone: hope ur all well, keep me up to date with any gossip i may be missing!!!!
would say i miss being home but truth be told.... i don't (tho i now appreciate how much fruit and beg costs to buy. i swear... every traveller actually lives from pasta, noddles or rice as thats all we can afford!!!)
well, might edit this later, much more to say, little tiome before bus pick up back to hostel for our free dinner (when they say free dinner they mean a small snack for an anorexic ethopian child!!!)
lots of love
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