well i seem to be lacking yet again on these blogs... have managed to go to brisbane and am now back in surfers paradise. got a lovely wake up call this morning by gabi who decided to wake me up by throwing coat hangers at my head, so seeing as everyone was up, and its f'in raining i'm now sat in the internet cafe!!!
Monday 30th April: Well today we had our meet and greet with pink. not going into too much detail, but obviously it was awesome, i gave her a cuddle and my boob feel out, typical. told her she was shrinking (like seriously she is like a size 6 I AM NOT JEALOUS) and then at the end both my boobs fell out when i gave her another hug so i left her laughing rather hard! concert was awesome, we pranced around at the back and got our very own shout out when she saw us and was like... these guys have been on tour since septmber-ish and no matter how big the place.. i always see them! for none pink ppl i shall shut up, for pink ppl, will reveal all when i next speak to u!! pic is on its way too..
That night turned out to be a bit of a manic one where seeing as we were staying in crack wh0re central, we ended up going out at 2am and went in so many strip bars and got rather paraletic. woke up with a 3D hangover, or so i thought, that was until i realised it was the oh so thoughtful f'in builders who were drilling outside my window.
Tuesday 1st May: today went sightseeing with bex and her nan, and despite having some reservations (and a rather special hangover!!) it turned out to be an amazing day. got to see some amazing views of sydney and had lunch on the beach in vacluase (sp?) with the harbour bridge in the background. had a walk along bondi beach (well next to it as my toe is still gross!) and then back to crackwh0re central where i spent my afternoon on the net! Not much that night, had a couple of drinks, but a rather sober exit to bed at 1am!
Wednesday 2nd May: Today me gabi and lotta set off for a little wander to find ice cream and actually ended up walking so damned far we had to get 2 trains to get us home (we also failed to find ice cream. dammit!!) ended up going to bed for an hour then on the way back from the bathroom met a guy in the hallway and got chatting... ended up going to the rooftop terrace with him where i met up with some guys we had orignally met in gold coast,,, then i headed out with them to the bar across the road. a few too many beer jugs later and i collapsed at the hostel (luckily only 10 foot away!) until my angel in shining armour bex bought me mash and gravy before collapsing into bed with me!
Thursday 3rd May: woke up with a particularly bad hangover and rather hazy memories!! Onwards and upwards to brissie however! got to the airport and still rather drunk we had a rather hysterical check in as i couldn't remmeber where i was going, the baggage scales told me i was overweight when i sat on them and bex announced that i had arrived at the airport in my pyjamas (clearly i needed to do some washing!!!) and you know your retarded when u get off the plane and even the airhostess is taking the piss as to how one minute we were in hysterics and the next uncounscious!!! got to our hostel but it was 10,000 miles away from the city so ended up swapping hostels to this amazing place called bunk. one of the best hostels so far went for a relaxing dip in the spa which ended up in all of us getting hypothermia before bex and gabi won us a $50 bar tab by faking an orgasm into a microphone. i nearly wet myself laughing but hey... vodka raspberiies all around eh?!!? healthy kebab for dinner before we decided to drug gabi (4 sleeping pills, valium and a glass of wine!) to ensure we all got more than 5 hours of sleep! score.. she slept until 9am!!!!
Friday 4th May: Not done a lot today... though some magnetic force made me spend money i don't have at the MAC sotre... dammit!!!! went out on a bit of a mad one.. partied rather too hard to say the least... so much so that i crawled into bed at 6.30am... and we had to get up at 7.20am to go on a day trip!!!!
Saturday 5th May: Well today was the day trip back to moreton island again. only problem is i can't remember the first half of the day (though apparently my eyes were still rolling and my head was still spazzing on the ferry and having their very own party!!!) got the the island and our 4wd advernture began (wow.... i did not feel well!!!) we went sandboarding in the desert (note to self: flying at 65kph down a sand dune on a bit of cardboard is bound to cause injuries!!)) it was hysterical as i went down on top of bex before ariving on this gorgeous beach where we drank water from a stream that literally just came out of the sand... visited the lighthouse,, saw dolphins and a turtle (i was convived it was a rock until it popped its head up!!!) before a picnic lunch on the other side of the island.....visited and tehnically swam ( i was dunked!!) in a freshwater lagoon beofre a rather bumpy 4wd back to the ferry. by this time i really enjoyed the drive though i had a couple of black eyes from all the bouncing!!!
Sunday 6th May: well last night me and gabi passed out at 6pm when we got back from the trip and did not wake up until this morning. oh i lie.. i performed a toenailectomy at like 10pm as my nail was just fapping about. it took a long time, a few heaves (as in being sick and tugging!!) and a pair of tweezers but eventually the f-er came off and i could sleep peacfully! in fact we all slept peacfully as gabi was so tired we didn't even have to drug her to get some sleep! woke up this morning feeling a million times better than the day before!!! ooh and i woke up sober which must be a first since gabi and lotta arrived. my liver hates them although i totally love them!!! i used bex's coach ticket and the girls got the train back to surfers paradise where we're staing at surf n sun again as its cool/ didn't do much, went to the arena, saw pink leave after the show, gabi got to see her tanaka then in the taxi on the way home the band pulls up next to us and gabi literally jumps out of the window screaming 'JANIS!!!' whilst janis is telling her to get back in the car, roger is looking rather unimpressed and me: athough slightly embarassed at the time,, looking back it was bloody funny!!!!!
and that brings u back to the top where i was woken up this morning by sodding coathangers!!!! am off now to get me some coffee as i have resisted teptation for about an hour now!!!
will behome sometime between the 15th and 21st may...
daddy: thanks i can now eat again!!!! haha
ma: will email flights etc.. haven't changed them yet but will let u know
smelly aka caley: u smell!!! hahaha though technically i might miss u just a little bit!!!!
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