so wow... its been a long time since i wrote a blog!!!! has been a bit of a manic week to say the very least so i'll give u a quick run down of whats been happening!!!
On Monday we went to Wet 'n' Wild,,, absolutely hilarious day! went down one of those straight drop rides and can honestly say flying isn't all its cracked up to be!!! got to the bottom and search and rescue were called to find where my bikini bottoms had disappeared to. it appears going 100mph, hitting large amount of water and wearing a string bikini will lead to the worlds biggest wedgie!!! did a lot of sunbathing and learnt a very valuable lesson: if ur going to wear factor 15, your going to get thrid degree burns!!
Tuesday was a s***ty day to say the least! I woke up resembling a patchy crippled lobster! as it was a chilling day and i couldn't chill by the pool i spent most of my day in starbucks or sleeping! my right foot and behind my knee... wow... all i can say was the pain from sunburn is INTENSE so bought out australia's supply of after sun and factor 30+ lotion!
Wednesday we went to paradise. was slightly horrified when i rel\alised that we wouldn't be getting to the island via a bridge but a boat, but soon swapped my lobster legs for my sea legs! then it was time for more horror! there was an optional guided snorkelling tour around the tangalooma shipwrecks, but as we all know, i am terrified of the sea and sharks!it was also a 'drift' snorkel which they warned us that weak swimmers might find daunting as u have to go with the current which is really strong! james, one of the crew got me in the water however and totally looked after me! i stayed permanentlky by his side where he gave me helpful shoves/warnings when dopey me was about to hit the shipwrecks i was supposed to be swimming around! saw loads of fish and even a hoobie woobie shark (i named it that as can't remmeber its real name!) absolutely loved it!! lunch on the boat then an hour on the island... it really was heaven!!! now... if u look at the pictures u can see me tash and mark on this net thing aka boomnetting. basically they drag yoiu behind the boat and u have to hang on for your dear life! 10 seconds in and i was drowning and despite my attempts to get off i stayed the duration, going bacxkwards and doing an impression of a bowling ball and hitting james straight on at the back of the net! got a helpful shove back up the net only to see tash disappear which made me laugh so much i let go and ended up with her with james holding onto our life jackets and dragging us along! can't even explain how funny it was... or how painful!!! i still have bruises!!! after snacks we got an eco tour on the boat round the island, seeing turtles and star fish before a gorgeous boat ride home. For dinner we ended the perfect day by going to the hard rock cafe....really was a priceless day!
Thursday: once again i was back in the ocean learning to surf with tash!! all was going well until the walk to the cove where i happened to see 2 fins pop in and out of the water. rather unimpressed at seeing jaws and his girlfriend and being a tad nervous it was time to start! both me and tash were up on our first wave! its like flying on water! a lot of falls but a lot of fun! i told the guys that if i stood up the whole way in i would i did! absolutely loved it, will def be surfing again for sure! Wasinteding to have a quiet night in but the hostel reps were promting $5 all u can drink for 2 hours... so our whole dorm was out on the piss!!! played a drinking game called 'slaps' and wow,, we were all pretty smashed to say the least! so shooters shut, went to go home (minus tash as lost her!) ended up sleeping down a alley until a couple picked me up and put me in the right direction! went to 7-11 where some guy bought me food and finally stumbled into the dorm at some random hour!
so yesterday me and tash left here to go to Brisbane. So we get there, check out our hostel, have a starbucks, have a sleep and book a train back to surfers as we missed the beach and our friends already!!! haha, so seeing as its easter its all booked so we've got a couple of nights in a hotel... its heaven!!! am sat here as its the heat of the day and seeing as i am still the palest person in australia, my poor skin can't take it!!
leaving tomorrow to go back to brisbane then up to cairns next week. am absolutely loving being here, life is so different and so chilled. honestly: i don't want to come home!!!
well love to everyone anyone got any gossip for me??
xxx xxx xxx
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