Week 3 now completed, we are getting well into the gypsy life style, the key is putting everything away, this helps with my OCD greatly, As for catering its, Salads, Stirfrys, and Pasta which is quite easy on our cooker and its all fresh daily.
This week started with rain on the island of Pag, the scrabble got well underway, Oonagh is winning convincenly, (she would against someone with Dis, Disle, Someone who cant spell).
Since Monday its been sun, sun , sun all the way,
On Tuesday we travelled down to Primosten on the mainland, Its very quiet and the campsites are getting fewer and further apart.
Wednesday was a bad day (not really) we started out for a town called Marsaka but there where no camp sites for 50 miles, so as you do we ended up on the island of Korcula after 2 ferry rides, This island has more attitude than the youths of Slough on a friday night, Road signs are full of bullet holes we are just over the Bosnia border. On the Bright side we saw the bikini clad contestants for Bosnia Miss World competition (oh well what a bummer)
Thursday a water taxi to an island called Badija off Korcula which we sunbathed all day, today we arrived in Dubrovnik and at the moment we intend to stay awhile
Thanks for your messages, it keeps Oonagh quiet for a while, speak soon
Us xx
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