Ceri's Big Adventure!
Yeah we have been sailing-BRILLIANT!!
Wetravelled up to Airlie Beach overnight on Thursday night. We travelled up with 3 of the german guys that we did Fraser with and a Korean bloke, someone they had met travelling. When we got to Airlie the first person we saw was Manwell another german we had met in Byron Bay and travelled to Surfers paradise with, we also saw him in Noosa ( everyone we meet seems to be German???) We also bumped into John Mills and peter Elliot who were in the year below us at school, Crazy!!
I really liked Airlie beach, especially the lagoon as the beach was not looking that great. We went out friday night with all the germans!! Quite a funny night!
We set sail on saturday at 2.30pm, we got to the pier gave in our boarding cards and were all told to double the amount of alcohol we had!! getting on the boat was a bit scary Ben the chef/ whatever decided to hold my hand and skip all the way to the boat with me I was sooo embarrassed!! Anyway we got on the boat and started chatting and meeting people we met loads of nice people mostly English this time!! We also met Fergus and Charlie, we met these blokes in Byron Bay, they talked soo posh I thought they were taking the mickey when I first spoke to them but no they actually went to Eaton as well!! Apparently slumming it slightly in Oz but they were really nice guys. We sailed for a few hours and drank and played a few games had bbq for dinner and stopped in a little cove for the night! We all slept under the stars coz it was soo hot! The next day we snorkelled-I love it!!! and then went to Whitehaven beach- oh my god sooo amazing even better than the postcards!! We had to wear stinger suits(similar to wetsuits) everytime we went in the water though which was not that great! Met Manwell again and John and Peter on this island. We sailed on to a nice cove again for the night and had Spag bol, the food was quite good well it had to be considering I have been eating beans on toast and Spagetti on toast alternitaly for the past few weeks to keep costs down. Those that know me well will know I can never eat too many beans on toast so I cant complain!! Not many people drank on te second night too tired from the first. The next morning we did a bit more snorkelling and then sailed back in to Airlie beach, this took a few hours!
We had showers and then met everyone again for dinner, we had to catch the bus to Cairns that night at 8.30 so missed an afterparty with them all unfortunatly.
We got to Cairns at 6.30 am with a temperature of 27degrees, imagine what it is like in the day time when the sun is out!!
Dont think much of Cairns the beach is like Appledore beach - muddy but there is a lagoon so we are heading there now!! Byeeeee
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