Ceri's Big Adventure!
I am still in KL at the mo movin on to Thailand tomorrow, we are flying to Chiang Mai.
We are staying in a really busy part of KL near china town and it is soo hot and smelly, soo busy too the traffic is chaotic its like diceing with death each time you cross the road.
We did leave KL for a few days though and headed to the Cameron Highlands. We stayed in like tin shelters that were used by the British Army in world war 2 in Malaysia they sound bad but they were actually ok. There was about 10 or 12 of us in the room but it had windows which was more than the hostel were in in KL. The highlands were much cooler too which was a nice change although it rained every afternoon.
Yesterday we went on a day trip in a 4x4 thought I had seen the last of those in Fraser Island, it didnt even have seatbelts!! Our guide was called Kumar who was Indian. He took us first to take pictures of the veiw over Boh Tea plantation which was beautiful. Then up to the highest accessible point in the highlands at 6666 feet above sealevel to look out across the mountains, we made it before the clouds came in so it was quite amazing. We then went on a short trek through the forest which we expected to be a short easy walk, boy were we wrong. Within the first 5 minutes we were plastered in mud nearly to our knees. Anna lost one of her shoes twice in the mud and were were clambering up banks under low trees along the cliff edge but it was worth it. Kumar was really good he knew just about every thing there was to know about all the plants and all the animals. He showed or told us about 6 different ways to kill or blind someone using plants. He also showed us loads of plants that can be eaten or used for medicinal purposes or as insect repellent, we tested one that is used for tooth ache, you crush the flowers in your hand and put on the ache, we just put it on the tip of our tongues and it really numbed it straight away for about 5 mins.
After the trek we went to the tea plantations and had a tour around the factory and of course a cuppa, me and Claire were in heaven!! And patsy you will be glad to know they actually drink tea properly here!!!
After this we went to lunch in the village we were staying to an Indian, it was soo hot and that was just a mild one, I thought it may get rid of my cold I have managed to get but it is still persistent. We then went on to the Orang Asli village. These people are like the aboriginals of Malaysia, we had to take presents for the children and the cheif, we were allowed to look around and meet the children, we then had tea and tapioca with the cheif, then we learnt to use a blow pipe. It is a weapon they use like a giant pea shooter to kill their prey. It is silent and amazingly acurate it can fire up to 50m, I managed even to hit the target but not from that far obviously!!
It was a really good day although a bit muddy, we ended it with another Indian and a beer!!!
Back in KL now waiting to fly out to Chaing Mai tomorrow to do a bit more trekking, and an elephant ride!!! I will keep you updated!!!
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