Sounds like you are enjoying your adventure. Although, like your grandma I think the roaches would have had me on a plane home already. Everyone is Arizona is doing fine. We are sweating the summer and can't wait for fall. Will keep checking to see your progress through the year.
Love from your Arizona family!
Grandma Sandy
Hi Jazmine,
So glad to hear from you, it sounds like the experienc of a lifetime. You can keep the roaches, though. Everyone is asking about you and now I have lots to tell them. I hope you enjoy your week in Cusco. How is the weather temperature wise? When I check Peru websites, they all say that the weather is not much different than here at home.
Tom has had hernia surgery since you left but I am glad to say he is quickly recovering and is back to work.
I sure miss you and I think of you every day. Take care and continue to have all the fun you can.
Love, Grandma
Bridget Anderson
It's so great to hear from you. Your mom brought over the "care package" you left me which ofcourse led to many tears. Thankyou so much. I miss you so much and I am quite excited to start (and end) my senior year. Band is band. Mom misses you a lot and says hello. Kim had a little boy (finally got the nephew) and he's already peed on my face (little jerk head..) He's a month old. I'm glad that you're having a good time and that everything is going well. Be sure to keep in touch love.
Nana Lootens
Just wanted to take a minute to tell you that the TX house survived Hurricane Dolly. The grounds however suffered much damage. We lost several trees and the pool fence and pool will require much attention. However, we were among the lucky ones. So many in Brownsville are still without power and it's been nearly a week. Some lost their homes etc. All else is fine...except poison ivy flourishes in NH. Lesson 19,785 do not wear flip flops in the fields and forest!
Love you,
Nana Lootens
Hi Jaz,
So happy to see your latest posting. I eagerly look forward to your latest news. I made it to NH-just now online but the new computer crashed. Thank goodness for old faithful.
Tornado and storms went through last week. Lost trees. Much cleanup. However my eyes are now focused on Brownsville with Hurricane Dolly making landfall in an hour. Spoke to Jeff a while ago-he still has power, but not for long.
Again, I eagerly look forward to your next posting. Oh-mailing address, does it have a country code?
Love you Jaz
Nancy Mccollom
Dear Jazmine,
Hope you got your (or soon get) your camera. Haven't heard much so I'm assuming all's well. Things here are okeydokey. Looks like rain. Russ has been taking pics of the garden. Your dad's tomatoes are late per usual but they always come through (very yummy). Amy and Jacques are visiting over the Coast Guard Holiday. Can't wait. Hope you're learning lots and having fun too.
Love, Nancy
Abby Lootens
Que tal? (do they say that in Peru?) Te divertitas? Are you guys speaking a lot of Spanish? What are the people like in your group...are they from all over? What is Cuzco like....bustling, big buildings, poorer? I can't wait see photos! Ok sorry for the barrage of questions...I'm trying to live vicariously.
Happy day after the 4th of July from the U.S. of A!
Que tal? (do they say that in Peru?)
Kali Marie
Hey Jazmine, I'm glad you updated, the curse is still with us and I wont be needing those coupons if you catch my drift, its a bummer but I will live, I hope you have a wonderful time and take pictures.
Dan Guzman
I'm glad to hear everything is going well and you are getting settled in. Can't wait to hear more from you.
Nancy Mccollom
Hi Jazmine, Are you there yet? Jet lag, sweating, staring at the newness, what's goin' on. I'll probably talk more on this thing to you than I did in many years here at home. You have always been in my heart. Hope all's well. Your dad says you'll be in a town with internet about once a week in awhile. Can't wait to hear from you. Love, Nancy
Nancy Mccollom
Dearest Girl!
Such an adventure. You are a brave and amazing woman! I'm sure you know all about drinking water and such. I'm looking forward to sharing your adventures. Just deciding on such a plan is grand indeed. I myself was much braver and confident at your age than I am now. Funny how that works. Ah, I blabber. You will be on your way in no time. Stay safe.
Love, Nancy
Avery Mills
Hay Jaz!
I am so excited for you! (and also jealous!) I shall be checking up on this thing so make sure you take a LOT of pictures! I'm glad you get the opportunity to travel all over like this! Good Luck!