Israel Trip Day 3
We hit another bump in the road between yesterday & today! Last night shortly after we had gone to bed James became very sick & began vomiting! He spent almost the entire night running to the bathroom! We couldn’t decide if he was sick with the flu or if he had food poisoning! Of course since I’m a sympathetic puker I didn’t feel well either! LOL Thanks for the prayers received he finally started feeling better around 8 in the morning!
We headed over to to church service around 11 & enjoyed trying to sing in Spanish! The pastor had a great sermon on Jeremiah 24! We had a translator that did a really good job so we could understand the sermon. We also had communion for the first time in this church! After church we headed back to the pastor’s house to pack our bags so we would be ready to leave after lunch! We wen down for lunch however neither of us was very hungry so we just had a little bit of the potatoes they were serving! We said our thank yous & goodbyes & the pastor prayed for our trip & then we loaded the van & Doris & Reuben took us to JFK! With the New York City traffic it took us a little over an hour to get there! We found our airline & got in line to check our bags! After spending 45 minutes in line we found out that our airline only checks bags for the upcoming flight & we were the flight after that! So we headed downstairs to wait! We came up around 6:30 only to wait another hour & a half to get checked in! This airline did not have TSA precheck so after checking our bags & passing their interviews to board we had to go through all the requirements to board— take off jackets & shoes, opening all electronics bigger than a cell phone, & going through the body screener. Finally we headed down to our gate! By this time it was after 9:30 so we didn’t have long to wait as we started boarding around 10:50! We left New York around midnight! A long but interesting day! It was great to finally see the EL AL wingtip our the window. Bon voyage at last!
- comments
Sue I’m worn out just reading all of this. Thank goodness you got better before the plane ride. God Bless both of you. Safe journey forward. Lol❤️
Mom & Dad Sounds like FUN ?? Burp, urp, etc.