Words from Chelsea
So at some point in your life you stop what you are doing and look around..and you say to yourself, ¨I´M ON A PIRATE SHIP IN THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS!!¨ At that point... you realize that life is completely incredible. It causes you to coin terms like EML (Envy My Life).
Anyways...How we got here... So we flew in from Guayaquil, went through the most absurd baggage checks (they used drug dogs on our bags) and arrived at our ship all on Thrusday. At that point we met Chris, Peter, Craig, Louie, Patrick, older Peter, Vlad, Jorg, Dora and Marlow. (They came from Australia, England, Israel and Canada.) These people were absolutely incredible. most were in their early 20´s doing what we are doing..just travelling. however they have months and years and we are only out for another 25 or so.
The first night we were on San Cristobal Island and we went to some bar with everyone on the ship and played pool, had some drinks and discussed life. Came back around 2am (to the ship) went to sleep...(most of us slept on the deck). At first Kate and I were hesitant about this pirate ship but quickly learned that when you go get the boat with all the people who just want to party. (not the other 90% of white, retired fold who are crawling on this island).
Yesterday we went snorkleing around this place and saw sea turtles EVERYWHERE!!! Today we went snorkling again and there were sharks. Also went to a couple different places and saw some Marine Iguanas, Giant Tortoises, Birds and Land Igauanas. We don´t get off the boat until Thursday so I´m sure a lot more will be going on. Our first group just left today becayse they were only scheduled to be on the boat for 4 days. Now we have new people who seem just as cool.
THis is the life.....
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